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Everything posted by Hailstoned

  1. Think I found the title: "Phase 7 APO Repression-Depression in the Age of Shriveled Weenie Expectations" Amazon review: " A gripping tale of a tragic string of faux winters that will grab you by the nape of the neck and won't let go till your long johns stick to you signaling its install time." (O.K. having fun here-- love your stuff even when only a phrase or two here and there breaks through-- plus, the ongoing amusement of "say what?" befuddlement of much of your loyal readership.)
  2. Suffered from these for years-- though they may have been hybrid migraine/tension headaches. Have occasionally experienced auras, but not as migraine precursors. This all culminated a couple of winters ago with several trips in one week to the emergency room, they got so bad. (Though these may have possibly been complications from Lyme disease which I've had too many times, and/or covid). What brings all this up is I was finally prescribed with a common anti-depressant amytriptoline (sp). One pill a night and I haven't experienced migraine symptoms since September of 2023-- been a real positive life changer! I used to rely on sumatriptin (sp) several times a week which relieved, but headaches would return on the rebound. Now got a whole bunch unused/unneeded. I bring this all up for those searching for relief with a lot of confusing options out there. This is what's worked for me.
  3. To me it's a rather poetic (and prophetic) way of saying that typical January winter conditions, re. snow along with the cold are "in jest," as in a promise not honored. Which is "jest" as January has turned out so far!
  4. But in the larger context, many of the demonstrations and riots of the day were in protest of the Vietnam War and the flavor of that permeates the song despite it being inspired by an unrelated protest (Sunset Blvd. LA?).
  5. This poster apparently sees himself as Lord of the Wingnuts.
  6. 4" here in Monson, though didn't measure till this morning when it had slumped like a bent back geezer.
  7. The "Moodus Noise" acting up. "Moodus" is a Native American word for "noise;" Moodus, CT and surroundings sit over what is apparently an active fault. My in laws have a summer cottage on a lake a couple of miles from Moodus center, and it is not unusual to hear a distant, sonic like, boom which has been an ongoing phenomenon for centuries-- on rare occasions accompanied with ground shaking like in this evening's 2.3 magnitude quake.
  8. Yeah, but as noted, the resulting appointment of a pedophile in the cabinet among other terrible picks, shows the "cutting edge" of the masses has gotten pretty dulled.
  9. Nope. Someone aimed his sharpie that way-- and look what happened.
  10. Agree; the heat pump is more than enough, and despite the hot, humid July we used it sparingly in our main room, and also in the laundry area because the washer balks when the sweat index gets up too high. But heating with them as we need to partially do, is pretty expensive even though we also heat with wood. Leaky old mill houses like ours take their toll on the heating bill
  11. We own ours also; get 120/month selling sun back to the grid, have a zero interest loan on the panels, and every night as needed, can plug in the electric truck and filler-up with off peak, discounted electrons.
  12. Which of course, has nothing to do with climate change...
  13. I live a couple miles downstream of there. 12 Mile Brook which rises fast in heavy rain situations is no doubt roaring, if not out of its banks.
  14. There seems to have been another of our "normal cyclic" drowning events yesterday and overnight in Long Island and Connecticut. Trouble is, the "cycle" seems to be stuck on wash.
  15. Of course, Mr. Galileo among others, demonstrated to the sobbing masses that all movements of the sun as perceived in casual observation from earth, are an illusion!
  16. Hmmm....and what of the all knowing proclamations that climate change is non-existent, and we're just going through "cycles?"
  17. With solar panels, able to "sell" electricity back to National Grid, meaning in the warm months, our bill has a negative balance. In addition $120/month, year round, back to me for all the sun power we generate. Also, able to fuel electric truck for "free" during the warm months with home charger. The caveat: heating in part with mini-splits (the rest wood) is expensive during the cold months. On the other hand, using the mini-split in our main room on the dehumidifier setting which is energy efficient, keeps this room tolerable in the dews and heat we've been getting. We also have ceiling fans, so nights for sleeping are tolerable as well. We desperately miss the sacred ritual, at least to some on here, of "installs," but as a recovering Catholic, I can deal.
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