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About Burghblizz

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Cranberry Township, PA

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  1. Looks like 3”-4” so far Beaver co, SW Butler co, and down into the North Hills Franklin Park winner so far. 5”
  2. I was thinking the same. Wouldn’t have been disruptive but looked great. Streamers look to mean business this morning
  3. 1.5” this morning with no tracking invested. Sticking to everything. Nice little “free” snow.
  4. Nice backend thump here. Smidge too warm for concrete, and might only last a couple hours. But looks nice aht!
  5. This stretch is still impressive in its length of warmth for early season, but not so much in its extremes. I think I’m at like 86 right now. Storms Monday were no joke. I didn’t see any official wind gusts, and I don’t have a weather station. We had to be over 70 MPH gusts in Cranberry. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen wind driven rain like that.
  6. If we could only get this kind of training and efficiency for a snowstorm.
  7. Haha - I did say that. For a bunch of years it was the NFL equivalent of having non-losing seasons and losing in the playoffs. Got snow, but missed in the big games (storms). My positive spin was that at least we are practically guaranteed 20”+ regardless of how bad it was. At that point, it had happened maybe 1-2 times in 40 years. The funny thing is in the last 6-7 years we’ve had a decent group of 8-12” storms. The lack of those for a while was causing a lot of whining. But obviously 3 seasons in that period have been historically low overall.
  8. I remember looking real close to make sure the white area made it all the way to the Ohio line (in retrospect, it was understated)
  9. We’d be panicking that shit was sliding east
  10. Ironically, probably 5 miles south of there got another 7-8”. (Which isn’t a ton, but for this year it will be decent % of the total)
  11. I technically have this for tomorrow which is one of the more aggressively worded headlines all winter. I have to think though this is more intended for the northern half of the Butler County. Can’t see this being too great in Cranberry, but I wouldn’t mind some nice squalls.
  12. A 50” February wasn’t *that* long ago. Also, what followed was 5 or 6 above average snowfall Februarys in a row - getting well into mid 2010s. At that point one could have said they are becoming snowier than January. Two bad years doesn’t mean winter has changed. 2022 was the snowiest March since ‘93. And like I have said - this isn’t disputing the overall impact of climate change. But local sensible weather (esp pertaining to snow) needs a lot more data to conclude anything anytime soon. At this point - it’s just two bad winters.
  13. Wouldn’t be shocked to see an inch or two along the I70 corridor this morning. Healthy little batch of steady snow. That was modeled way south a few days ago
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