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About Burghblizz

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Cranberry Township, PA

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  1. I think you have to look at departure from normal. Then you see a pretty striking difference when looking at (say) Norfolk versus HIA/IPT. There are several other MD and VA locations where you can do a similar exercise. When one is +10 and the other is -10/15 it kind of validates that the thought that south has been luckier.
  2. Agree - and that’s in addition to the storm misses south. So most people have the perception of this being a fairly snowy winter. Heard a lot of grunts and groans last night when people saw it snowing. Who knows - maybe we pull a March miracle with a bigger one.
  3. Calendar day records are silly for snow. Snow “after midnight” still counts. The airport has also just missed some pretty robust localized events in that timeframe. Not saying the last 3 years have been good, but that’s a bit deceiving. i didn’t look at official YTD, but we have to be ~33-34”. Really just needed 50 miles on one of those couple M/D like specials to have been real close to normal this year.
  4. Saw 4” in East Liverpool and 3” in Wexford. i got probably 1.5” in the grass, but the back deck looks to have more like 2”. That heavier bad went just south
  5. NWS - 2.8”. Stat padder for sure. Don’t think much of has accumulated on roadways.
  6. Wouldn’t be shocked to see up to 2” in the grass here. Normally don’t love snow at night, but good timing for a little last gasp of snow perhaps.
  7. Had a brief period of heavy snow this morning - maybe a fluffy half inch in the grass and on the deck. But that is melting off quickly now once it stopped. Welcome to March.
  8. Had some briefly heavy snow but no lighting or thunder that I saw
  9. Let’s say we get squalls on a March day. Snows an inch overnight…sun comes out and melts it…squalls hits we get an inch…sun melts it…another squall hits after dark for an inch. Did it only snow an inch? I don’t think clearing every 6 hours inflates it - it just better accounts for what actually fell.
  10. If someone is in the Mon Valley towards the M/D line, they probably average 10-12” lower than the airport. Always get the WTOD first on moderate storms, miss out on some LES, etc. But that general area has seen 15” + at least 6 times in the last 32 years. Official climo makes that more like a once every 10-15 year event. Big difference was they did much better in ‘96 and especially ‘16. Just interesting since a lot of times they lose on the dividing line, but don’t seem to miss truly big ones.
  11. Impressive to see ~20” in MGW, then basically popping another -15” 2 weeks later. That second storm was right before it was brutally cold. I think we got 6-8” out of that one. I remember that one actually being an overachiever as it didn’t look good. Was a bigger hit south and in central PA.
  12. We do - but I think NESIS is population based. I think the impacts were I81 west, so none of the I95 cities got much. Ohio Valley got smoked too.
  13. Jan 94 is worth researching, even just old YouTube videos. Epic storm. 20-30” in SW Pa with 3-4” per hour rates at its peak. Somewhat lost to history because it was 10 months after March 93, and the official total was mysteriously low (14”) compared to other reports. March 2018 was a nice long duration storm that kept adding on. Not super impactful though since it was March and was over probably 24 hours .
  14. Real interesting stat. Could be another reason why the average person is so “sick of winter and all this snow”, even as we still are itching for a bigger storm.
  15. I agree, and it’s not like other outlets have really been on them either. Several times this year I’ve been with people that were complaining about “not knowing it was going to snow”. From a weenie perspective, I can’t complain as to how they have delivered.
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