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Everything posted by paxpatriot

  1. Gesundheit. We're 2 or 3 B-movie models away from a storm here.
  2. Wow, that's an excruciatingly painful map for my area.
  3. Switched over to pingers about 20 minutes ago, final measurement was 5.9 on the board. Would love to hear some totals out towards Hancock, betting they made out well. Best storm here in a long while.
  4. We got into that band as well! Big hitter. Just switched over to some sleet, final measurement is 5.9 here. It’s gorgeous!
  5. Some of the heaviest snow I’ve seen since my move to Greencastle over the last hour. Will be curious to get a measurement. Awesome band.
  6. Lived in Waynesboro for a few years! Great area. Work in Hagerstown, but weekend snow doesn’t impact that, lol. Glad to hear we’re all getting some snow around here!
  7. Sitting right on the M/D, and measured 2.8 inches about an hour ago. Temp is 29.8F. Has been pouring snow since the last measurement, so definitely 3+ out there. Already ahead of most models predictions, lol. Hoping to catch some of those awesome bands to our west before it’s over.
  8. It’s been the most stubborn model for days now. Hopefully it’s in the right ballpark, at least.
  9. The GFS has been spitting out some weird precip field solutions. Color me skeptical, it seems confused with these wild jumps.
  10. That snowfall signature definitely screams surface wrong. PSU probably likes where he’s at for this one.
  11. Thanks for noticing, Art. Happy New Year, all! Here’s to a snowy start to 2024!
  12. Not sure whether to be happy I'm in the "10%" range, or just depressed with everyone else. So many feels...
  13. Warm/wet all day. The trends don't end until they do.
  14. Just keep in mind that the "snow" in that film was actually asbestos powder....which at this point is probably far more likely to fall from the sky than snow in this abysmal winter.
  15. If this thing had started as a Jacksonville snow storm, we'd still be fringed by now with how far it's moved north.
  16. They're not superstitious, but I think they're a little stitious.
  17. Woke up to some styrofoam pebbles on my car. Some of the driest stuff I've ever seen, but a welcome sight none the less.
  18. I would say even those of us NW of the cities are on life support at this point. Trends are not our friends (this season).
  19. Speak for yourself. I actually used the term “fecal blinds” in a conversation this afternoon.
  20. That looks like an...interesting output. Can someone explain how something like that would even evolve?
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