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Everything posted by Festus

  1. <1/4 mile visibility. Neighborhood roads caved. 31.9F. Golf outing this Friday where jacket may be optional. Crazy stuff.
  2. Since it appears true weather related topics may be limited in the next week, here's one from one of my favorite subjects - daylight. As of today (for Lancaster), we cross the 12 hour threshold for civil twilight. It is defined as - "Civil twilight is the brightest form of twilight. There is enough natural sunlight during this period that artificial light may not be required to carry out outdoor activities. Only the brightest celestial objects can be observed by the naked eye during this time. Several countries use this definition of civil twilight to make laws related to aviation, hunting, and the usage of headlights and street lamps."
  3. Wow. What a difference up there. Fingers crossed for a good outcome. Will be like watching Heavy Rescue on the Weather Channel.
  4. Just like y'all, temp down to 31.5, visibility roughly 1/4 mile at peak, improving now. In terms of accumulation, looks like the grass has dandruff. Roads wet. That's about it.
  5. Definitely weakening as its traversing Harrisburg. Must be all the ground resistance of the tall buildings .
  6. Special Weather Statement issued down this way. No Squall Warning .
  7. Sure looks like a burly one. Temp here is 41 so if it holds together, we'll see if anything can lay. I think roads just get wet.
  8. Full moon tonight. And the full moon in February is termed the "Snow Moon". Oh the humanity...
  9. Adding to the theme, I'm maybe a dozen miles or so from you.
  10. I'd say 4"ish here. Roads and driveway just wet without doing anything. Sure looks cool though as this is a sticky snow. Kudos to Canderson who did the old reverse logic ain't gonna snow trick. Make sure you break that one out at the beginning of next winter so we get 6'+ before the snow gods catch on.
  11. I see the words "snow likely" in my grid forecast. Clicked refresh to make sure it wasn't some old cached version showing up. It's a Super Bowl Sunday miracle! (P.S. "New snow accumulation of less than half an inch possible." )
  12. Made it to 58 here. Second highest of the year behind 60 on Jan 2nd. CTP AFD mentions 1-2" of rain possible late next week. There goes another foot and a half of potential down the sewer drain.
  13. Well, to fill the weather void and because I'm apparently obsessed with daylight, we now have 1 hour and 7 minutes more sunrise to sunset time than on December 21st. Sunset (at least for Lancaster) is now past 5:30 and on Friday, we will be into October-equivalent sun angle.
  14. Couple of scattered flurries thus far today. At least my snowpack is hanging in there...
  15. HWO for Lanco for freezing drizzle. WWA issued for neighboring counties east and south.
  16. Great stuff. Was also an avid Weather World watcher. Paul & Fred, Elliot Abrams, Joe Sobel, Joe Bastardi (what the heck happened?), Lee Grenci, etc. Seemed like Elliot was everywhere back in those days as Accuweather must have had exclusive contracts with local radio. I even won the Snowflake contest a few times and the grand prize in the trivia contest once (one year subscription to Weather Bell). Hardly ever used it, lol.
  17. Of course long range is sketchy at best but with nothing in the next week, is our window Days 8-14?
  18. Yeah, we pretty much dodged it down this way, didn't we? Radar returns have dried up so unless we get some freezing drizzle or mist (temp is now 31.7), should be OK. Fine with me.
  19. 32.7. None of the local WU reporting sites under 32 yet. 1.69" storm total. Looks like one more batch SW of York still to go here. Instead, lets go with an average storm temp of 28 for a Kuchera 20". Oh what could have been.
  20. 53 to 38 in the last 2 hours. Still a lot of precip upstream. Gonna be close down this way.
  21. 42.8 at the moment which the high of the day. 0.75" liquid. Alas, at 10:1, that's 7.5" of snow I did not receive.
  22. I don't think CTP sucks per se, but when I look at the output of LWX, PHI and BGM, they all are superior in terms of discussion, explanations and timeliness. Now who is most accurate? Beats me and of course that's where the rubber hits the road for Joe Public. And as Atomic stated earlier, it's only us weenies would be having this type of discussion.
  23. Well there’s a WWA both north and south but zippo here. I know it won’t change what actually will happen but you’d giving folks a heads up on upcoming hazardous weather would be prudent. Isn’t that one of the NWS primary functions? Maybe we can start a petition down this way to secede from CTP and join Mount Holly. At least they have their shit together. (Aside - can you imagine going door to door with such a petition? I’d venture 99% of folks would have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, lol.) Edit: WWA issued! All is well in the world once again.
  24. Aye, 48 in February feels a heck of a lot warmer than 48 in October.
  25. Sure was nice to get outside today. Hit some golf balls in the backyard for the first time in awhile. Comical to watch the ball bounce 10' in the air after landing on the rock hard frozen ground. Lots 'o winter remaining but getting twitchy for spring.
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