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  1. All lifts but double runner are on wind hold today. Quad is still down but supposed to be up today.
  2. Last weeks rain was as devastating as the week before. SL has been pounding the snow guns all weekend.
  3. It was incredible yesterday and better today. This coming weekend should be epic minus the crowds.
  4. Lurker here, I rarely post- but Ive been reading your plight. It snowed natural and man made) from Thursday thru Saturday at Sugarloaf and the skiing is absolutely phenomenal right now. Friday afternoon at the TOS it dumped snow-about 7" I skied 1st tracks yesterday morning and it was 8 degrees at the base and froze my ass off. There is expert terrain right down to blues and they have wall to wall coverage. There will be plenty of terrain for your wife to ski............ It is winter at Sugarloaf.
  5. It rained buckets at Sugarloaf last night, melted everything at my house at the bottom of the hill. Texted my 16 year old at 1 today to see how it was on the hill. It was "meh" according to him. Video he and his cronies posted on Insta, were much better than "meh". Didnt look a whole lot different than Sunday, albeit much harder. Couple more grooms and itll be fine. Guns were blasting when I left at 7 this morning.
  6. Canada trail is the best is what I am hearing. Rode some logging roads Sunday and a bit of trail that was actually groomed and you can get around but the woods is thin. I'll be riding out of there Saturday with my boy.
  7. Polar Blast weekend, it will be busy. And this is just what they needed.
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