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Everything posted by Mallow

  1. Often, "false alarms" aren't false at all. Just because your house (or church) didn't get hit by a tornado when you heard the tornado siren doesn't mean there wasn't a tornado or good reason for the warning. There is a concerted effort to avoid "sounding the alarm on a weak signal". "Weak signal" is a pretty ill-defined term, though. I would venture to guess (out of my a**) that the number of "false positives" is less than 50%, which means if you hear a tornado siren, there's probably an associated tornado. The issue may be that the public doesn't necessarily realize that a confirmed warning doesn't mean that everyone who heard the siren got hit by a tornado. Indeed, only a small part of the warning area usually does withstand a direct hit.
  2. Have no fear--the President of the Portland Bureau of Tourism is here!

  3. Pics of Dan in general are hawt.

    And because it's fun!

  4. I know, I saw. Hawt!

  5. You must've read my mind. I was just in the process of posting "HurricaneJosh - <5% - he always forgets I exist" as a reply. I had to delete the response once I saw my special little wall note.

    Of course, you did only remember me once you saw me in your thread, so I should ding some points for that alone!

  6. I remember that cam! Or at least one of its various incarnations. Excellent!

  7. As much as I'd like to mess with Rich, I cannot do that. I want you to attend!

  8. I already updated the homo list like... two weeks ago.

    And I doubt Tyler (Flexo) or Cory would ever come to a conference, unfortunately. :( :(

  9. Maybe if there was a good met school for grad students in Great Falls. But there's not!

  10. Yeah yeah, I'll get around to it!

  11. Maybe that's where our difference in opinion lies. I have been told all along that jobs are relatively few and far between. Did your school tell you otherwise? Or perhaps someone else?
  12. This. The original post is hyperbole, IMO. It has some basis in truth, sure (the met field can be a tough one to get started in), but I think the poster had some personal experiences that are making it seem worse than it actually is.
  13. Joel! You should definitely post more.

  14. i^0 = 1, just as i^(n*4) = 1 (where n is any integer), or x^0 = 1.

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