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About PennMan

  • Birthday 10/25/1988

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Denver, CO
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  1. Well this thread went off the rails...keep it polite and constructive or it will disappear.
  2. Hey, hope you're in out of this mess today!

  3. still up in the air whether or not I will come, I'm 90% sure I will be able to make it for at least Friday-Sunday...will need a roomie though

  4. if you come to baltimore, you got a roomie?

  5. you coming to baltimore dammit.

  6. i mad at yer sig other. he don't talk no more.

  7. I can't locate the "log off" button. Is there something that's incomplete concerning my account? If you are not in "site administration", please send me a handle or address. Thanks.

  8. Heh...too much ice right now. Hope all is well.

  9. eff you. go out and take some river measurements.

  10. Awwwww, that is the sweetest comment anyone could ever leave on my profile. :wub:

  11. Here's to tight cores impacting mostly unpopulated perpendicular coastlines. :)

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