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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. METAR KMWN 090057Z 28014KT 100SM SKC M05/M26 RMK AURBO =
  2. Clear skies but nada to my bare eye. Nothing in the remarks from MWN yet either.
  3. Not a storm, but this was pretty impressive. https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KORH/1962/12/31/DailyHistory.html?req_city=KORH&req_state=MA&req_statename=Massachusetts&reqdb.zip=01602&reqdb.magic=12&reqdb.wmo=99999 Happy New Year METAR KORH 311000Z 27021KT 1/2SM -SN -BLSN OVC/// M24/M25 A//// RMK SLP916 T12391250
  4. I haven't seen the real deal since the 03 event. Tilton is more NE of me than due north. I don't expect to see anything, but I'll glimpse out every so often. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Similar trees to the north here...about 30deg. The tree line is along the bottom of the big dipper right now. I have some slight life to the north (rt 3...hannaford, cvs, etc) so maybe the bit of light is flooding it out. If i can't see it with the bare eyeit's a non event for me. I'll keep peeking a bit longer.
  6. Peeking out now. How far on the horizon? I see nada yet.
  7. At least the Pats only get bombarded at night
  8. Cleared out here. See nada with my bare eyes.
  9. The 58,440hr CFS looks clear right now, but stay tuned.
  10. MW wasn't fogged in and they never reported AURBO.
  11. Heh...looks like the IR light never kicked on for my sky camera which explains why it was seeing light on the horizon versus the usual foreground.
  12. Nothing really going on, but there's a really strong red glow through the overcast to my north. MWN is socked in too so no AURBO chance there. Maybe it's just some strong red light scattered through the low overcast, but I don't recall ever seeing the northern horizon lit up like this on my cam before.
  13. Consider me signed up for text alerts Scott.
  14. Competition is fine. Heck, it's easy enough for anyone to create their own forum now. The way the Philly fracture went down a couple of years ago will always leave me a little bitter though. There was really no need for it unless the goal was to have complete power. They had free reign to moderate this subforum how they wanted.
  15. None of that heater under the field nonsense.
  16. I always get chills watching the snow balls flying.I'm a weenie for cold so I think my fave may be the Ten playoff game. That was old school, ice bowl worthy cold.
  17. So many good home games that Dec/Jan.
  18. I was in MHT for that. I had a major subsidence meltdown on WWBB.
  19. Quite possible...it's tough to measure out there with wind too. There was only a couple handful of reports in the PNS and the final obs were up to 24hrs apart.
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