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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Well the satellite has different bands with different wavelengths that measure wv at different levels. I think the rule of thumb was that the more typically used wv images showed you wv around the 600mb level. I haven’t gotten enough into GOES-R to know what micrometer wavelengths they use for their lower, mid, and upper wv maps. I think the mid trop one is 6.9um. Plus there’s the fact you’re comparing vorticity to water vapor. I’m just not sure I would be hyperscrutinizing the two looking for comparisons or model error.
  2. Yes, but I'm going to need more than 17 chickens to account for all of the models we have now.
  3. Sometimes the best forcing with those bands end up higher up...H5-H7. I'll have to look at BUFKIT later as I have to head out. I'm sure Scoot can explain it more and better.
  4. He has those fronto maps on TT now so he doesn't have to wait for a text from Shabbs. Of course that's just H7 so the banding could be a little west of the best H7 fronto. IOW, the NAM has it west of him. lol
  5. I’d wait until the 00z runs before backpedaling. The euro wasn’t great, but don’t change everything over a few 18z runs. Maybe everything ticks back west at 00z with new raob data.
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