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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. borrow your neighbor's chickens. mine love those, clover, and plantain. i just wish i could get them interested in wild strawberry leaves and not just the fruit.
  2. It’s picking up here. Buds are starting to swell and I have green grass starting. I still have some frozen ground in the shaded spots. Someone at Lowe’s left the tomato plants outside last night....oopsy.
  3. No AURBO from MWN last night and they had 100 mile vis for awhile.
  4. I did that last year since the birds free range. I waited for a drawn out, moderate precip event before putting it down.
  5. That has to be the hardy running bamboo. Most of the cold hardy clumpers are 12' or less in our climo zones. The runners are 30-35ft down in zone 7, but 10-20' up here.
  6. With all of this standing water I may even have malaria here this summer.
  7. http://www.bamboogarden.com/Bamboo categories.htm
  8. The clumping stuff is fine. The running can get a little invasive if you don't watch the rhizomes. Most of the crap people call bamboo around here is actually that nasty japanese knotweed.
  9. my lawn actually looks better since having the chooks. They eat the weeds and give me free fert. My project this spring is cold hardy bamboo. They’re going to have their own asian jungle grove to free range through.
  10. Driving through Tolland must feel like being at Augusta national.
  11. I have a blower, but prefer raking for some reason.
  12. Maybe 3 8-hourlies is a better compromise? 8hr workdays...8hrs of sleep...8hrs of Super Bowl pregame...it all makes sense.
  13. Isn't that the point of making it 6hrs? To allow for some compaction? I've said it before, but I don't like penalizing 1"+/hr rates on the tail end of large, long duration storms. In LES land...if you pull 20" in 12hrs, clear, and then another 20" in 12hrs, but the depth only increases another 6"....does that mean you should have 40" or 26"? If both 12hr samples had the same rates with the same amount is it fair to report it as 20" for the first 12hrs and only 6" for the last 12hr?
  14. I'll give Pete B credit for explaining that on the air. Some here like to call him a clown for not always weenieing out, but in this instance he "gets" it and that was a nice little shout-out to Ray.
  15. Ray's going to have to join the Pete B fan club now. He's hanging pics of him in his old HS locker as we speak.
  16. Yeah so your clearing times really exacerbated the measuring differences. A quick 8” in 90 mins on a clear board won’t settle much. Throw that 8” on top of 20” of already existing fluff and it’s compaction city. You should document your measurements in a blog post if you haven’t already.
  17. So the 5pm would’ve been right before the band came back through, correct?
  18. I noticed Ray was in the low 20s yesterday evening before the band moved back through. Then he seemed to pick up a quick 6-8” in like 90 minutes with a 5”/hr in there. Most in NH were pulling 2-4”/hr in that band so my guess was that he had recently cleared before it came through so it had minimal ability to compact which gave him the quick jump to near 30”. When were your clearing times Ray?
  19. 3.20” from one core would be a real pita to melt down. Maybe the guy did multiple cores, but the measuring area kept filling back in. When he had 48”/3.20” he realizdd something was off, kept the w.e., and stuck the yardstick into the ground.
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