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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Just need to breed those beetles to only eat Norways.
  2. Yeah...before automation you had mainly hourly obs. MWN had all analog recording instruments and a thorough climate record so they had all of the paper charts of instantaneous obs saved. The 1-min ASOS data archive goes back to the early 2000s so if there’s a record wind chill since then you could look up those and find the precise coldest minute. You’re pretty much stuck with the hourlies before then.
  3. This tree is a millennial though. It wants to be cradled and nurtured.
  4. What would you guys do for these small branches on my cherry tree? I have poultry fencing around it so I don’t know what got to it last night to scrape/chew the bark off. Let it go for the season? Prune in March? Prune now? Try to repair it in some way? Sorry for the blurry pic. It’s difficult to get a focused upclose pic with the ipad.
  5. Sounds like Gene’s place would be a preferred location.
  6. The -107°F came from an observer so I presume it was an in-between hour reading considering the -44°F temp was in-between as well.
  7. Damn. Did @CoastalWx get to that lawn too?
  8. Great spot for a water tolerant, running bamboo. I'm sure the state would approve.
  9. I finally get a chance to verify my Davis dews.
  10. You can have a dozen of my Salix Alba "cuttings" that fall off every spring...just jab them into the ground. Sufficient payment is an 8" NWS measuring can.
  11. 2 years of analyzing these trees now and I still can't get it down.
  12. Didn’t know I could tell by the mature bark. The large tree definitely looks more like sugar bark than norway based on pics I’ve seen online. Also, thanks to Bob, tamarack, and Mitch for the help.
  13. One more off the big tree. Iphone won’t focus up close though.
  14. I plucked off a leaf from the tree and a nearby large (parent?) tree and didn't see what I would describe as white milky sap. I even squeezed the end of the leaf stem to draw out moisture and just got a small amount of clear. Here's a leaf from that large tree.
  15. I didn’t pick a leaf off yet, but for you experts out there...at first glance, sugar or norway? And yes...these are my holy chicken shoes. Don't judge me.
  16. Thoughts on the Cully/Heritage cultivar?
  17. Maybe not. I just figured it was close to the record with that stretch given the -45F min and the 100mph winds.
  18. Found an article from WMUR interviewing someone from the Mt Washington observatory and apparently the wind chill reach -107F during that Jan 2004 cold shot while the temp was -44F. And yeah, that Whiteface -114F isn't accurate. To beat those MWN numbers you need to do it with colder temps. At a certain point stronger and stronger wind magnitude only creates a negligibly lower wind chill.
  19. Any tips on planting yellow/river birch? From what I've read it is recommended to plant them in moist, open fields. That fits my backyard pretty well. I guess they have an aggressive rooting structure so keep it away from the house, well, septic, etc. Most of the potted trees I see come with the desired clumps of 3 already, but I've seen some here and there with a single trunk. Do the singles tend to grow larger and healthier than the clumped versions?
  20. Hermit Woods? Not yet. I've had Candia Woods, Zorvino, and Sweet Baby Vineyard. Like you said, mostly the fruit stuff like blueberry wines.
  21. Maybe someday. I'm not sure how well concord and mars grapes are for wine making. I'm hoping the vines will provide shade for the birds on the south side while giving us a little fruit as well.
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