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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Looks like my yellow birch. No peeling bark yet? edit...looks like I see some on the back side.
  2. heh...would hope not this early. I think it’s some kind of fungal leaf spot.
  3. American chestnut trees arrived looking a little stressed after 2 days of shipping. Does anyone know what the little red dots on the leaves here are?
  4. 5 young 100% american chestnut trees arrive on Wednesday. Supposedly these are 3rd/4th generation plants from selectively bred trees that have a much higher blight resistance than the original trees. Gene picked up 4 as well. Hopefully a few of them can grow up to produce nuts in 8-10 years.
  5. Lisa snapped a pic of the one on rt 3 tonight. Saw one in MHT today too, but it had already lost most of its flowers.
  6. https://bangordailynews.com/2013/07/10/living/lovely-and-rare-catalpa-tree-blooms-in-maine-in-summer/
  7. Omg i was wondering this yesterday. There is one up here on rt 3that is HUGE and full of white flowers.
  8. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/17/us/monsanto-roundup-dewayne-johnson-trial/index.html
  9. So are those leggy saplings, to the right of the main trunk, likely coming out of the same root system?
  10. Yeah I can literally walk up the hill to it. North side of the hill like me except up around 775ft. Who knows...maybe there's more up there? I found the location on streetview and there was a lot of brush around it whenever that time was so it looks like they knew what to keep since the chestnut is front and center in the pic I took. https://goo.gl/maps/H8wvA6UvNE12
  11. Wow. Pretty cool. Does that tree look large enough to be dropping seeds yet? Maybe I'll have to take a walk by there and see if there's any saplings around. Maybe they'll let me root prune one and then transplant it in the fall. I wonder if the owners even know what it is.
  12. Saw this tree on my road tonight and grabbed a pic from the truck. The leaves looked interesting... Is this some variety of chestnut?
  13. I hit a roadblock at state selection just now. Maybe they’re having temporary issues.
  14. Have you tried here for hourlies? https://www7.ncdc.noaa.gov/CDO/cdoselect.cmd
  15. The -39F was on 2/16 along with the CON record of -37F. Maybe you just had a typo though.
  16. I put in a request for data from Limestone (and some other sites) and had no luck with beating the -52F or -54F. If you want to look at the data for the fun of it (while it's temporarily still available) here are the links. HUL https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72703399999-1943-02_4293847657710dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72703399999-1943-02_3085127657709dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72703399999-1943-02_5776307657714dat.html PQI https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72713014604-1943-02_1867547657715dat.html BGR https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72607099999-1943-02_7875057657716dat.html LIZ https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1957-01_3553737658774dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1982-01_9431147658772dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1984-01_757727658775dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/99999994645-2009-01_7434377658776dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/99999994645-2009-01_6307047658777dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1980-12_791517658784dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1981-01_8358887658786dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/72712514623-1988-01_839277658787dat.html https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/orders/isd/99999994645-2004-01_8407227658804dat.html
  17. It's just going to be really tough there with a southerly facing hillside. You need an Ireland-like 2009 summer to really help it get established for a full season.
  18. My zoysia would probably love your hill. I have some on the back west corner of my house and it just grows and creeps without much watering.
  19. Yeah...the artificial field turf will stay nice and green. Lots of money saved on mowing and fert too.
  20. Looks like a desert. How low do you mow?
  21. How do they propagate anyway? Runners like an aspen? Seed with a deep tap root like an oak? Cuttings like a willow? edit...saw it has a deep tap root so i’d guess more like an oak?
  22. For Maine...I know FVE had at least a -54F on 1/14/2004.
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