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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Anyone have some viable shagbark hickory seeds they don't want?
  2. Any return flow the past 2.5 months has been instant 70F+ dews. Insane.
  3. Yup...euro bumped north too, but radar tells you all you need to know. Will probably pull 1-3” today.
  4. Hope those 18z runs were a blip. Keep that 2-4" crap south of here. I was afraid of that sfc boundary getting into S NH and hitting a brick wall just S of here.
  5. It’s going to feel like a shock when we finally get into a normal/BN pattern. This is perfect timing for extended warmth. Days and days of 80/55 are fine by me.
  6. Looks like we missed the return to deep summer up here. Even with sun this weekend it'll be low 80s and nights in the 50s...pretty much average summer wx for my locale.
  7. The rest of that grass is really lush. I'd lean fungus as well.
  8. Notice I indicated I wasn't turning the heat on. Glad we don't live there though.
  9. 60/59 House is down to 64F...sucks, but not putting the heat on.
  10. Yeah...I just wouldn't be ready to invest that much into an electric tractor yet. I'm still scared to get an electric push mower as it is.
  11. We need a warm winter/cold summer combo to neuter DIT and James.
  12. Heat this week looks more meh than we’ve had recently. It’ll be warm and humid, but nothing insane. Deep summer is slip slidin’ away, but fall warmth will linger.
  13. Not gonna lie...I haven’t been paying too much attention to the pattern the past week or so. I have been cheating and peeking at MOS and I know the numbers keep coming down for this upcoming week. High 80s and 70F dews at CON have become low 80s and lows either side of 60F. Maybe we end up with one really muggy night in there.
  14. I have a battery weed whacker. It runs fine. I need a tractor for the lawn so an electric mower is out of the question.
  15. Tanuary of yore. Celebrating the new year like 1876.
  16. Rudolph leading Santa through the thick dews yet again.
  17. Nah. I had a small auger bit and just made some holes with my cordless drill. That may be better if you were doing a large area though. How large of an area do you want to do? It can get pretty invasive so you need to be wary of gardens, your neighbors' lawns, and areas you just plain don't want it to get to. Once it's there it's tough to get rid of too. I wouldn't necessarily be expecting miracles if doing an entire lawn like this. It'll take a little time to establish and fill in. Now that I have the back patch flourishing I can steal plugs from that (probably next spring) and put them elsewhere to speed up the process.
  18. I planed them around the time of that first pic so June 2016. I got mine from here... http://www1.zoysiafarms.com/ordernow.jsp I did the freestyle plugs and cut them myself. I put some in the front yard too (not pictured) with all of the thriving weeds. It is finally taking off this year and spreading. That backyard patch I posted above had a nice clean start (albeit hard packed soil) so it got established faster. It was sort of an experiment for the parts of the yard that get torched every warm season. My well sometimes gives me fits so I can't put the sprinkler out there everyday. We have a long enough snow cover season that I don't care about the dormancy. It may actually work well for someone like lavarock...a frost free hill and frequent snow cover. Just don't let it invade into tamarack's yard.
  19. Zoysia update. It needs to be cut, but it is thick, lush, and growing like crazy. That corner of the house faces SW and bakes. Some before and current pics. BTW, I watered the plugs that first year, but that’s it. No fertilizer, lime, or anything. 6/19/16 - Plugs planted 10/22/16...after a partial warm season. Still green while approaching Halloween. 10 minutes ago...thick and lush
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