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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Any flakes flying near the peaks from the top of the clouds below? I've seen that on MWN before.
  2. My 6" soil temp was down to 47F on that last cold morning...it's 50F right now. They're deciduous. I have a few shagbark hickories, a couple of crabapples, a japanese maple, a yellow birch, and a tulip tree. I wanted to get them in the ground a week ago, but yeah, life.
  3. So I have a bunch of trees to plant. Should I just let them go dormant and put them in the basement to plant in the spring or throw them in the ground now? I’m worried they won’t get much rooting the rest of this season.
  4. Very green here that Christmas. Heck, I had kale and broccoli regrowing on Torchmas that year.
  5. Best of luck with the grass man. Lord knows you’ve put a lot of time and money into it over the years.
  6. Nice. That means we have an epic dry stretch coming.
  7. My mature crabapple tree yellowed and dropped many leaves early too. On closer inspection it looks like it developed its first warm season of leaf spot...no surprise given the record humidity combined with lots of rain this summer. Keep the area in and around the drip line clear of old leaves and fruit so that the fungal spores don't get into the soil which would make things worse next year.
  8. ERC He'll be back someday when his wife divorces him for spending all of his money on drones.
  9. A little zoysia update from that back patch. The gaps are filling in nicely. Top pic is this past Thursday, 9/27. Bottom pic is from 8/4...so 54 days.
  10. I just signed up for it, but it seems all of the deliveries in NH have been near the NH border. Either they don't provide up here yet or I'm the first to signup. We'll see. You can get free logs if you want them too. That would be a plus for those with wood stoves. Easier work for MPM in the summer.
  11. heh...I had an olive egger and a black copper marans that had feathered legs. Unfortunately they were always sickly and died under 1 y/o. They both had frequent bouts of coccidiosis even with frequent Corid treatments. I got those 2 from a breeder at 7 weeks old so maybe they couldn't develop an immunity to the strains in my yard.
  12. I use it in my chicken run. Eek had a bunch of chips (a lot of hemlock) leftover from tree removal this past spring and I took a few truckloads. It works like a dream in there for my drainage issues. I want more of it because like you said, it breaks down quickly. I could see the mycelium growing on it this past summer.
  13. Has anyone ever received free wood chips from that Chip Drop service?
  14. Too old and brittle to raise them now. May need to adopt some 3rd world tweens from ****hole countries.
  15. I kinda regret not having kids years ago now.
  16. Other than raking and leaf blowing, has anyone tried any of those relatively inexpensive tools out there for acorn/nut pickup?
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