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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I live in a different world than I used to live in now. I keep areas around the yard clear for the chickens and part of that is keeping the driveway clear so they can pick at the little rocks for grit. I used to “clear” 3” of snow by driving on it. Having that snow packed layer made it easier on the snowblower too since I never picked up rocks. So really it’s the chickens’ fault I’ve changed. Frequent snow and rain just makes my life a lot harder...same goes for extreme temps. I’m not really trying to hate on anyone’s weather or climo.
  2. Our snow doesn't turn black as fast as E MA. Refreshers aren't needed so frequently.
  3. I like me some deformation bands with deep pow, but yeah, I'm all set with dink and dunks.
  4. What a pita and waste of time in my life that would be. Off and on light snow all day that requires frequent removals that just sublimates or compacts into the snow pack anyway. I'm not completely all or nothing, but I at least want some bang for my cleanup buck and I wanted it concentrated into as little time as possible. To each their own though.
  5. Not much wind there in his nook either. It piles up nicely on his elevated measuring board.
  6. Lost control on my way in this morning, but regained control Dale Earnhardt style (pre death). I wasn't even going that fast, but I drove like Aunt Mildred after that.
  7. I would blow my brains out if I had to clean off my truck 3x/day, 5 days/week.
  8. Probably some kind of convective graupel or snow pellets. It's still working its way toward the airport. 2 1/2SM now.
  9. There you go James. 6 mile -SN at the airport as of about 10 mins ago. Hopefully you can get some accums before the NORLUN dances away. 3:05 32.0 26.6 30.0 80 6.9 NNE 30.05 30.05 Light Snow 6.00 3300
  10. I haven't really looked, but I think it's more inv trough/conv zone related?
  11. Definite drop in the ceiling over the past few obs so it'll probably be snow there soon.
  12. COD radar: https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?type=BOX-N0Q-1-24 PVC obs: https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KPVC&time=GMT
  13. The band looks a little more E on COD NEXRAD than WU. Maybe it's backing its way west to PVC still.
  14. Seems strange PVC is not seeing snow from that yet. Their RH is actually dropping.
  15. Pretty sure that's just a guesstimate based on radar echoes and temp. Still no snow ob at PVC yet and 10 mile vis. I'm sure someone is seeing snow in there, but I think you just made up the 1/4SM.
  16. Huh? Nothing at PVC yet. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KPVC&time=GMT
  17. Nice. Too bad the other sundog is blocked by the mountain. Any more zoomed out pics? Was there a 46° halo and circumzenithal arc?
  18. Well I don't necessarily mean accuracy wise. The Davis anemometer is solid, but any ultrasonic can beat it in starting threshold, response, and match it in accuracy. The problem is with rain with wind and snow or ice. If that is heated there may not be a problem, but if not, good luck in New England with that during wintry periods.
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