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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yup...still up. Link for Tip for future reference. https://weathermodels.com/index.php?r=site%2Fpreview&mode=animator&set=14-km EPS Global&area=Northern Hemisphere&param=500 hPa Height Anom&offset=5
  2. Quite a torch morning. 38F here with lots of sun. I see Gene up to 42F on the hill. Lots of low 40s in the high terrain up here. Then you get into S NH and you push into the U40s.
  3. Actually I'm on the list of stations in your nearby list. CW7324 http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxnear.cgi?zip=03222 And yeah, my wind is down until the snow fully melts off the roof and I get my new Davis anny and the new ultrasonic mounted up there. My mast is currently down.
  4. Awsome Gene! Can't wait to see your obs on Mesowest. Looks like your raw obs are already up and running. Mesowest and MADIS should pick you up soon. http://www.wxqa.com/sss/search1.cgi?keyword=FW4292 http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/raw.cgi?call=FW4292
  5. Comfy 36F, but not much sun. The bare spots in the pack are slowly expanding.
  6. @wxeyeNH Gene, I got to thinking. I think you can use your station on top of your roof as an anemometer transmitter. In weatherlink, set that transmitter (#1) to be an anemometer transmitter (wind). Make your new station be transmitter #2 and call that the ISS. You want your #1 transmitter to be the anemometer because it will receive the highest sampling rate. Just change the DIP switches on the 2nd transmitter to read the console. The DIP switches for #1 would be off/off/off. #2 would be off/off/on. Of course, if you want to have both stations being read by each console, then keep it as it is. This would let you have your wind up high and everything else down low though.
  7. BBR -25F Estcourt -25F Couple more -24Fs First Lake -22F Lk Francis -21F Errol -20F Coldest I saw was -26F at Island Pond.
  8. We didn't? We'll probably get around to rebanning him one of these days.
  9. I don't think so. He's been around all day leaving "haha's" to all of Scoot's posts.
  10. Could be a few things... Passive shield Old sensor (is that the original?) Some kind of heat influence from roof
  11. Probably a good time to signup for CWOP. http://www.findu.com/citizenweather/cw_form.html What are you using for software? Weatherlink?
  12. Global warming. Bigger versions of animals occur in warmer climates.
  13. Honestly I wouldn't calibrate the new sensor. You're trusting the digital probe to be accurate (what's the accuracy of that?) and you can't go by ice freezing on surfaces to judge a properly shielded 2m temp. 0.2F isn't a lot, but the temperature accuracy of those Davis sensors are great now. If it was me, I'd remove the offset. Sensirion and Davis calibrate these anyway. Just my $0.02.
  14. They are selling the FARS for $275. I mean you’d almost be better off buying an entirely new sensor suite with FARS for $422 which would give you spare sensors and parts...rain gauge/cone, transmitter, temp/hum, anemometer, etc. Either that or you can try the $97 daytime fan kit add-on. Basically, the fan will run as long as the sun is hitting the solar panel. It isn’t as effective as the regular FARS though.
  15. Let me get back to you on that. I need to see the difference in the mounting options. The 24hr FARS has its own batteries and solar panel. I would think the passive is disassembled from underneath the rain gauge and the FARS mounting bracket is assembled in its place.
  16. Wait what? How did you calibrate the new one with the hum sensor? It should be ready to go out of the box.
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