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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I89 is a death trap...ice or no ice. It’s like that I93 stretch from Canobie to MHT.
  2. 31.9F...high was 32.2F. Warmth fail today. Hopefully we can do some damage to this ice rink tomorrow.
  3. I enjoy this time of year when Ray is balls deep invested into his winter forecast and he's determined to make sure everyone knows everything is going to plan.
  4. 32.0F with -RA We've been rotting between 31.9-32.1 for hours now as the atmosphere is latently confused.
  5. The mid level cold air is definitely putting up a fight up there.
  6. 0.4” snow/sleet. All sleet and freezing rain now. Up to 28.8°.
  7. lol this isn’t happening. Haven’t gone out yet, but it looks like ZR/PL after brief snow on cam
  8. GFS is like 5-6" of snow here tomorrow morning. WTF
  9. Was just looking up the monthlies for 1873-74. Big Novie and then I kept getting meh months. Then April hit with 35”. So of the 122” basically half of it fell in November and April.
  10. I’ll add there’s some weenie yore in there. I find it hard to believe 5 straight winters in the early 1870s topped 100” and made the top 10.
  11. 07-08 was #2 for CON, but I had ~142” compared to their 119.5” that winter. A lot of the big numbers are late 1800s so I’ll have to do some digging to see how Franklin fared.
  12. Great great great grandpa Legro is disappointed. He would say mare's tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails.
  13. I feel like I will never top 07-08. Steve feels like he will never top Feb 15. Josh feels like he will never top 13-14. That may all be true, but there’s something to be said that we’ve seen these historical stretches all over the last decade. In other words, never say never. I’ll keep holding out hope for eclipsing 12ft someday.
  14. Maybe, Someday Saved by Nino Shortwaves, phase together Saved by Nino Maybe it'll snow (saved by Nino) Maybe it'll snow (saved by Nino)
  15. I'll be really happy for all of those in Times Square enjoying the ball dropping in beautiful 55F temps. Yore just like 1876.
  16. ice crystals...it's the METAR code for diamond dust
  17. Although looking again, it's hard to tell from the stream if the full image is "glittery" or if it's pixels bouncing around. I see wx2fish lurking...he probably has more experience with it up in far N NH.
  18. I think it's just upslope squeezing out every last bit of moisture out of the air. At some point it becomes hard to differentiate though. I've seen true IC though and although they slowly fall, they almost appear suspended and glittery when the sun hits them versus regularly falling snowflakes. Technically diamond dust (IC) is just a cirrus cloud at ground level just like how fog is a cloud at ground level. A cirrus cloud is a precipitating cloud so IC do slowly fall to the surface. And since they are a cirrus cloud, you get all of the same parhelia and halo effects from the morning sun.
  19. Although the NAM punches a warm layer at 800mb first. It has my H8 wetbulb at +2C at 30hr while H85 is -2C. The GFS is definitely colder so we'll see how it plays out. If the NAM wins out it'd probably be a quick chance at snow, a brief burst of sleet, and then a cold rain.
  20. Yeah...looks messy up here. Even the GFS op is trying to keep me 33-35F with the 2nd cutter too. So visions of sugarplum 60F dews will have to remain a fantasy. These are really the systems I hate the most. 1-2" of crap followed by cold rain and then a freeze up. Luckily I have tomorrow off so I can get out there right when the snow and sleet are done.
  21. I don't even know how that makes sense. lol
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