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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Nice warm up returning on the GFS as we approach the resolution drop at 192hr.
  2. I’m not sure. I sign in at 6am every morning and read about the FV3 and ICON bringing a big storm and the Euro having a SW energy bias and then by midday sanity is restored.
  3. Slower in the southwest...faster in the northern stream. Looking more like the euro.
  4. NAM trended a little warmer aloft at 12z. Euro was about 0.50" frozen (SN/IP) here with Rangeley pushing 0.75".
  5. Yeah...I agree. The GFS is using that lead northern s/w while the Euro scoots that along and catches up with the trailing northern one. IOW, lots to iron out still and this could easily be a fail even though most models show some kind of hit right now.
  6. The Ukie definitely has a bit of a warm bias when viewing those time-height bias plots. There's too many zones of >+0.30C in the troposphere for my liking. You really want to be in that light green or pink.
  7. This is weird. It’s great in the stratosphere, but horrible in the troposphere. lol
  8. lol...we posted the anomaly correlations for the para and perp before. Positive error for perp, negative error for para. Idk if they’re accessible right now since our govt is full of a bunch of POS’s.
  9. It actually looks similar aloft, but it’s a little less amped/more progressive than the op. We’ll see....still lots to shake out and I’ll be shoveling snow and sleet to start the new year anyway.
  10. 6z cold biased FV3 is warmer than the perpendicular run. So what do we make of that? Did we just divide by zero?
  11. Just a trend toward more CAD. GFS has less snow. We’ll wait for 12z.
  12. NAM is a lot of snow here. Ugh. I guess the break is coming to an end abruptly.
  13. lol...you should head down here in Naples for the game today. http://www.foxborotavern.com/
  14. Some of these biases are likely outdated. We used that back in the early 2000s. The model has gone through many changes since then. Maybe it still holds, but I’d want to see something more scientific before believing it.
  15. lol...the truck doesn't bother me so much. Like you said, the 2" of fluff blows off before a cop can see you driving with it. The problem is clearing my path to and around the coop and in the run. It's just a PITA. I'd rather have a 10" storm every 2 weeks and snowblow through it once.
  16. I see no Southborough in cocorahs. I do see Southbridge COOP on the NWS site and they had 83.7” that season.
  17. Was 31.2°-32.5° all night. I see even Gene mixed out to near 40°. Getting the cold fropas in the early night is bad timing in these CAD situations. We get a few breaks aloft, but that just enhances the radiational cooling while everyone above 1000’ is clearing their walkways with 40s with matching dews. Hopefully the sun can do a little bit of damage today.
  18. Judah and Ventrice! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6536269/Experts-say-disruptions-polar-vortex-cause-temperatures-plummet-US.html
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