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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I was thinking a tick SE of the ecens.I think Kev may have gottenmore from the NAM...lol
  2. I can't buy the 12z euro op/ens losing that badly to the 18z RGEM. I've tossed the RGEM.
  3. Wow and Eek are the tech guys. I just pass along what I can.
  4. Nice to see the 4k NAM cave towards it's lower res brother. Night and day from 12z.
  5. No big changes on the SREFs. BOS-SE MA clobbered with 2-3" liquid.
  6. Euro gets it way north. It should be more SW-NE at our lat when arriving and then N-S before pivoting out. Dryslot...close to 1.50" I'd say for you.
  7. 1.50" line from LEB to IZG 1.00" line from PF to the Ct Lakes...lol
  8. The euro probably caves a bit too.........but we've said that before and it ends up coming in more westward. lolI think you look good. I'd rather be in interior Rockingham though.
  9. i dont think they wanted to put the 24-36s up but they had to mesh it with BOX. We can analyze all of the model runs until we're blue in the face, but it's hard to pin down those deformation bands until the event gets cranking. I still think it looks best for that ORH-LWM-PSM corridor, but we'll see how it plays out. I liked 10-14" here last night and GYX has me in that now. High bust potential either way.
  10. we've had ddos attacks. But yeah, we are being pounded in general right now.
  11. The hires models (4kms and 10km RGEM) are just alright up here. 12km NAM, GFS, and Euro are solid. It's hard to go against the consistent euro/eps.
  12. we're doing everything we can. I know it sucks. At least there's almost never issues while the event is occurring. The refreshing during model runs is insane here.
  13. Looks like the deformation will make it to NYC-W MA-C NH this NAM run.
  14. SREFs were sweet for the Lakes Region. NAM looks pretty good so far. Nice for NYC.
  15. I agree...it'll be real. I like it just west of BOS though. We'll see.
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