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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Snowboard on the ground. jspin can get away with an elevated board since he has little wind, but most of us need to have it on the ground. With every clearing you place it on a new spot on top of the pack so that drifting snow doesn't fill in your previous cleared area.
  2. Lousy maps, but here's some archived AVN/MRF/GFS 00z forecasts going back to 1/1/99 for the weenies. https://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/gmb/STATS/maps/opnl/opnl.arch.html
  3. you forgot the apostrophe in “well 69”.
  4. Best wishes to your piggy. You can have my snow. My birds would appreciate it.
  5. Almost a bit of a rex block there off the west coast.
  6. You can see the low/mid level upslope on sat dumping over your area and casting a shadow over the lower overcast. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/exper/?parms=subregional-New_England-02-48-1-100-1&checked=counties-map&colorbar=undefined
  7. I’ll take under 80” all day all night.
  8. CT already had their best storm of the year last night.
  9. Just got home. Steady -SN with good growth. No flakes until a mile before exit 19.
  10. I beat BOS's seasonal total with just one flake earlier.
  11. Still accumulating at home per Lisa. It looks more impressive than what radar shows...probably an under the beam deal.
  12. Man what a white knuckle drive on the way in. Thought I was in a Georgia ice storm.
  13. Lighter snow now, but that was fun. 31.6° Maybe 2”? I’ll check in a few.
  14. Too close to my birds. I don't want frozen fried chicken in the morning.
  15. 3km NAM is snow when the goodies arrive later tonight.
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