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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. If we close H7 off that much early and as far south as the GFS does most of CNE and SNE will probably remain mostly snow.
  2. I will say I think it's time for the weenies to tone it down on both sides of the extremes. The clown maps are getting annoying and the "this storm will find a way to screw us" posts are as well. We let a lot of that crap go while the pattern sucked, but it's time to get into regular season mode.
  3. Yeah...GFS thermals are always a trip. For shits and giggles. 20th 06z 31F 20th 12z 3F 20th 18z -2F 21st 00z -7F 21st 06z -14F 21st 12z -19F lol
  4. Those '93-'94 storms had some crazy gradients where the low level cold oozed in like that during precip, but I can't recall ever a 31F to 3F in 6hr deal.
  5. lol...wtf is the GFS doing in the low levels of this storm? Heavy, heavy narcotics. 31F to 3F in 6hrs with snow flying.
  6. This has the look of an eventual toasty H7-H75 layer all over it so I'd like to see that H85 0C line much further south with time. The GFS can't see those inside 2d...nevermind d6-7.
  7. This is looking north so those blue spruce caked in snow have been feeling the sun for a few days now. Our last snow was the 4-5" from last Tue/Wed.
  8. 6"...we still have snow in trees too.
  9. Stay safe and I genuinely mean that. If Ray comes knocking at your door remember it’s self defense.
  10. 1.3° here...wipes out the Thanksgiving low of 2.6°, but I never expected that to last.
  11. I went through all 50 and for some reason this was my fave.
  12. The ensemble members are there for certain parameters.
  13. It has been pretty bad since Xmas though. Right there with the Navy.
  14. Next weekend is on my radar, but I just can’t get excited about any fantasy modeled after that. I guess a stormy LR is good, but that’s all I take from that. Weenie d12 clown maps make me yawn.
  15. It’s still using 2m temps from the Dec cutter.
  16. 17F yest...2.8F this morning. My 13.4/2.6 from Thanksgiving is still safe although I don't expect that min to last going forward.
  17. Pretty cold out there with a deep winter feel. 7F off of a high of 17F with a steady breeze, 6" pack, and trees caked in snow. Gene is already down to 1F on the hill. Some of the birds were shivering this evening before going in to roost for the night.
  18. Jesus Steve that sucks. When it rains it pours. Time to heal up fully and get a new job in Newry.
  19. You are all batshit crazy for accepting sleet.
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