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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Would be close up here if the NAM verified. That H7 fronto lines up right through C NH.
  2. Because the shithole nam decided to give dca-phl-nyc snow
  3. Yeah...extended RUC range is when he'd start stealing my snow. RIP
  4. I don’t blame you. After getting suplexed into the powder by weatherwiz, in his trapper hat, I wouldn’t like snow anymore either.
  5. I kinda hope your forecast goes down in flames. Not because I want you to bust, but because I find angry Ray more entertaining.
  6. It’s trying to phase in the northern stream.
  7. Won’t be this run. It’s looking meh like 6z.
  8. Right. And you know how much it pains me to say Kevin isn't going above 32F either.
  9. There's no way he goes above freezing.
  10. He's rattled over a possible hour or two of sleet.
  11. Keep them locked up in your basement?
  12. Belt is fine. I'm not junking it though since I already threw $120 into it for the new impeller. Probably the end of the worm shaft or gear worm.
  13. Bought a new impeller for my snowblower, installed it, it ran well.......then I just tried it again and something in the gearbox for the blade axle seized up. Ugh.
  14. Wish Seidel would come to my coop so I could get less snow.
  15. What is that? a Euro or GFS Kuchie verbatim?
  16. Thanksgiving safe again although it's not looking promising for Monday...looking like an upper single digits deal here.
  17. idk about 12, but someone could get a prolonged period of pellets. A meh warm layer aloft and a deep, frigid cold layer underneath.
  18. Almost no QPF here on both NCEP models. lawl
  19. No way. There will be a sleet zone in there.
  20. So yeah, it’s counting the sleet zone as snow on TT.
  21. Where are you guys viewing your ICON? I see no 850 temps on TT and I think the ptype maps are counting sleet as snow.
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