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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. This is going to be a real snow eater. 50s dews right into S NH and SW ME?
  2. I think it definitely could've underreported. This stretch seems like it should've dropped more than 0.01". METAR KDDH 202135Z AUTO 30010G16KT 1/2SM SN VV011 M13/M16 A2949 RMK AO2 P0001 T11281156 = METAR KDDH 202124Z AUTO 29009KT 1SM -SN VV012 M12/M16 A2949 RMK AO2 P0001 T11221156 = METAR KDDH 202111Z AUTO 29007KT 1/2SM SN VV008 M12/M15 A2947 RMK AO2 P0001 T11221150 = METAR KDDH 202054Z AUTO 29008KT 1/2SM SN VV011 M12/M15 A2947 RMK AO2 SLP991 P0000 60000 T11171150 53024 = METAR KDDH 202046Z AUTO 31007KT 3/4SM -SN BKN013 OVC027 M12/M15 A2947 RMK AO2 PRESRR P0000 T11171150 = I'm not sure what the gauge is there...ie AWPAGs or a heated tipper.
  3. What's the ORH 81-10 norm using your 90s numbers? I think CON will make up a couple inches on their norms after ditching the obs from the airport.
  4. We just passed the climo coldest day of the year up here. Everything is uphill from here.
  5. I keep seeing -40 850 temp PVs in the extended. Keep those up in Canada and I'll be happy.
  6. I watched the video. I think locations were seeing the coldest temps they've seen in 7 years including wind chills in the 10s and 20s that morning. The 53F high was obviously later.
  7. Is there a site where I can find climo data for certain hours? When will mentioned it being possibly the coldest afternoon since 1980 it got me wondering if there were some colder afternoons since then with relatively warmer midnight highs. It'd be nice to have a dataset of 18z obs.
  8. Temp is creeping back up here after a couple degree fall around sunset. Back up to -0.5F now. If we stay mixed I wonder if we tack on a few degrees at sites as the core of the cold moves out.
  9. Yup...should be my coldest max since moving here. -0.2F so far.
  10. 3F or 4F depending what side of -16C they were. 451z was 4F, but they hit 2F by 515z.
  11. Station | Record | Max temp so far CON | 2F (1943) | 1F (midnight) BDL | 8F (1985) | 4F (midnight) BOS | 12F (1985) | 10F (midnight) ORH | 8F (1985) | 1F (midnight) PWM | 7F (1888) | 12F (midnight) PVD | 7F (1985) | 10F (midnight)
  12. -2.3° and flurries, but the sun is peeking through the milky clouds. Midnight high was -1.5°. Would be cool to stay below 0°.
  13. Good call a few days ago. This is a nice low level shot of cold and the overcast with steady snow grains here are keeping it from warming at all.
  14. 9.0" snow/sleet here with 1.11" liquid.
  15. Temp dropping like a rock. 6F Should be able to get cold enough by 5z to avoid a midnight high tomorrow.
  16. Looks like crap to me...maybe a little frozen up here to start, but we’re going to need big changes to make this more wintry. That high is way east and is pumping in the deep southerly flow.
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