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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Closest thing we’ve come to verifying blizzard criteria inland up here in my memory.
  2. I’ll admit that my first instinct when seeing the progs was Mar 05...that’s if something good was to come out of it.
  3. Holding on tight to Will’s hand for security so you can have the reassurance that NNE will someday outsnow SNE once again.
  4. Not hating. Polar vortex joins the fun just seemed like it came out of a Harwich basement.
  5. Honestly, before I read the author I thought this was a James thread.
  6. That’s yore cold right there. Wish we could get that. I’d bring the birds inside and weenie out to -30F. Thy oxen frozen mid dump.
  7. ORD with a "cheap" midnight high next Wednesday of -17F. 18z temp of -23F. Their all-time record low max is -11F.
  8. Too bad we didn't get that in Oct/Nov when we could've been less inverted. Yesterday's LLJ was beyond beast mode.
  9. Should have never uninstalled. We've had dews in every month.
  10. Foot of water up against my house. No where for it to go with the ground frozen.
  11. Front is through. Make it stop. 41.8° Storm drains overflowing here and in CON. Run flooded. Basement flooded. Meh
  12. Yup. I'm enjoying watching the before and after of my pack melt today. Hopefully I'll be able to see my driveway again.
  13. Dews are the biggest pack killer. A dry 60F gives you wetbulbing on the surface via evaporation and sublimation. Pump some 50-55F dews over it and it's pack cryin' for its mama.
  14. Nothing like a high near 0F and then 50s and rain 3 days later.
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