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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Kinda need to keep putting it down when the deluges wash it away and then we freeze it all right back up before we can dry out. But yeah, it sucks.
  2. Usually I'm one phase change colder than you guys down there. So if you're seeing good ZR chances are I'm pinging. If I'm getting good ZR it's probably 34F -RA or the icing is relegated mostly to ORH and 1kft. I had quite a bit of sleet in 08 before flipping to some solid ZR, but that system was obviously an extreme example. But yeah, it'll probably verify as mostly PL here and ZR down there. I'm just really cheering against it.
  3. I just tend to give the NAM a little more credence with its mid-level warmth. I’m curious to see which side, if any, caves a little at 00z. Knock that warm layer to +2C to +3C and I’ll have my helmet ready.
  4. Can you see 800mb on there?
  5. NAM warm layer is pretty thick and toasty. It’s close. The GFS is mostly snow here, but I’m tossing that. I’d probably lean mostly sleet too, but we’ll see how it trends tonight.
  6. I think if I stay mostly sleet you guys will do really well down there. If my 950 cold can't overcome the layer of +4C aloft and I remain mostly ZR, it may become more of an elevated issue down there...especially once the low level cold advection wanes.
  7. Shorten the season. Opening day 5/1. End the season 9/20. WS done by 10/20.
  8. Sounds like Ryan isn't too worried about a major ice storm for you. I'm glad your family will have heat.
  9. I'm not worried about an icestorm here. Even if it's all ZR it'll be the typical icing event. I just don't want 1-2" of only pure sleet on my now cleared driveway. Who wants to clear that? The pack will also be solid enough after it freezes back up following this mini torch. It doesn't need more sleet. Toss it like a Sean McVay offensive gameplan.
  10. I have no use for sleet with a meh fossilized snow pack and a finally cleared driveway. Maybe I can build a sleetman?
  11. Pretty much. I don't expect halfway decent weather until 3 weeks after the pack is gone. By then most of the mud is dry.
  12. The roof is clear thanks to the past 2 days. An inch of w.e. is nbd. Hope you get your icestorm shawty.
  13. Yeah...I mean it is what it is. No one is proclaiming spring on 2/5, but we may as well enjoy the spring tease. Sometimes it's difficult to get days this nice even in April.
  14. And if not we end up with more ZR further north and more latent heating for the SNE source region...so we'll see how this trends. Normally in borderline IP/ZR situations I tend to lean on the frozen instead of the freezing side.
  15. Man it's really borderline IP vs ZR here on the NAM. That's a decent 50mb deep layer of +3C to +4C aloft with -5C to -6C at H95. I'm not sure there's enough time to really refreeze those droplets before they hit the ground. If it isn't ZR that could be some really efficient accretion.
  16. Hope you enjoy your post frontal 48F Fri afternoon...maybe even tickle 50F if you get some sun.
  17. Hopefully it's ZR and not IP. ZR melts and goes away way faster.
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