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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. There's a "teach a man to fish" proverb hidden in this post.
  2. Nah...can't make guidance too good or else computers will take over. It's all part of the secret plan.
  3. It's nice of NCEP to keep meteorologist jobs going strong. #meteorologistlivesmatter
  4. Is there a warminista circle of trust? I'm tempted to bring LL back.
  5. Bouncing between 31.9 and 32.1 with rain. I doubt there’s glaze, but I haven’t checked yet either.
  6. It's amazing grass was able to survive for millions of years without rakes and leaf blowers.
  7. 33.9°...wasn’t able to melt the half inch of sleet today. Hopefully tomorrow. Getting drizzle now.
  8. Hope that high holds strong or else we could get another last "minute" convection deal in the SE to help pump the SE ridge.
  9. lol...maybe if I move to 999ft WMUR will show up at my door too?
  10. 0.5” sleet and 0.37” liquid. ****ing useless.
  11. Roger that. Just went outside... 28.5F -FZRAPLSN
  12. If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, it was never meant to be.
  13. Ditto 28.6F. We skate. The precip is starting to hit those lower dews in Maine so once they start wetbulbing down that should slowly advect on in here.
  14. Just went out to get gas quick. My hill is already a mess. 29.6F -ZR
  15. 33/22...hoping for zr instead of ip.
  16. IOSN3 is the coldest spot in NH right now including MWN. Weird.
  17. Here's the automated accretion breakdown... 14z 28/25 ZR 0.05" w.e. / 0.08" glaze 15z 29/26 ZR 0.11" w.e. / 0.09" glaze 16z 29/28 -ZR 0.09" w.e. / 0.07" glaze 17z 31/29 ZR 0.17" w.e. / 0.08" glaze 18z 32/31 -R 0.15" w.e. / 0.05" glaze
  18. Interesting ob... METAR KBUF 061754Z 07008KT 4SM -RA BR FEW007 BKN015 OVC030 00/M01 A2988 RMK AO2 RAB53FZRAE53 SLP128 DEPTH OF GLAZE 2/10 INCH P0015 60057 I1005 I6037 T00001006 10000 21028 58034 $ = They augmented 2/10" of glaze in the comments, but the glaze accretion algorithm has 0.37"...almost twice as much.
  19. 32F -RA in the most recent 5min
  20. You must be on antidepressants then living in the Bronx.
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