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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. idk...0.10"/hr for 4-8 hours is a decent thump. It's just that a portion of that will be tainted with sleet. I think the radar will look fine pre-dryslot...then you get into the showery look with SHRA near the shore and ZL/IP over the interior depending on latitude. I'm not sure the low levels will be cold enough for ice crystal development once the dryslot hits so it's probably a liquid deal for most at that point...again whether it's freezing on contact or not depends on the location.
  2. Art Judson in Steamboat Springs used to jokingly say to me that he didn't know what sleet and freezing rain were.
  3. It’s cute that we’ve all moved onto spring in New England before Valentine’s Day.
  4. I’d give it at least through the euro this morning to see if they all stay warmer or if they tick back cooler from 6z. But regardless, beware the warm tongue.
  5. Feb rains and March showers bring April flowers and May installers?
  6. 3k nam is more sleet than snow for interior sne. Has CON pinging by 3z too.
  7. Here come the torchy runs at 6z. NAM and GFS get the 0C 850 up to the Lakes Region. I’ll probably end up with 6” of snow and an inch of sleet.
  8. Still plenty of sleet for many on that run. It’s trying to ping ORH around 00z and CON before 5z.
  9. I just meant you had a good run that winter like the RGEM. You’re an optimistic guy and every shortwave turned into an optimistic blizzard.
  10. That's kinda how we'd want it to play out. Get that primary scooting along and get some CAA in here as the coastal backs on in along the front. These have all been fairly exotic solutions though so good luck pinning it down at d6.
  11. shorten 2010 was a nice spring too. I would take all 50s and 60s for highs in April if it meant mostly westerly flow and sun. All we want is seasons in seasons.
  12. I mean it’s mid feb...I think the hope for deep, deep winter has passed. I’d rather take my chances with the warm sector of a stemwinding low versus 36 and rain, but that’s just me. Maybe we can pull a miracle and end up with a much colder solution and some snow, but the odds are not forever in our favor.
  13. Kinda wish we could fully warm sector and try to knock some things down with the LLJ.
  14. Just kidding around. Mitch’s spot isn’t that bad. Bennington isn’t too far.
  15. I think if the model can’t find a grocery store within 20 miles it marks it as no data.
  16. Must be multiplying two negatives crap model X crap algorithm = weenie dream
  17. Although those thicknesses are fairly cold. Hard to tell how it’s getting the lows in the spread where they are. We’ll just wait for 12z
  18. Yeah but are those eastern lows redeveloping secondaries backing into a torched airmass like the GFS?
  19. GFS bringing us our rainy stemwinder again...maybe it has legs given the 6z EPS spread. Too bad we ridge to high hell from the primary before we back in a bomb. That would be a nice track for the interior with cold air in place.
  20. That 144hr mean looks strange given the 980s lows in WV/OH. The eastward ones look pretty weak.
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