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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I think it all comes down to the water equivalent. I'd take the snow over the sleet anyday. That 1" of sleet would've been 3" of snow with the same staying power.
  2. Sebago 8.0”/1.16”...if that is all snow that’s about as bad as it gets for ratios from pure cold snow.
  3. I see 7.4”/1.21” at Auburn, ME. It’s hard to believe there wasn’t any sleet in that. Lots of 7-9” totals with well over an inch of liquid.
  4. I guess, but if it shows a little layer of +0.2C at H75 it may be showing that as sleet even though the flakes survive the warm layer.
  5. 1.2”/0.48” in the final core of all sleet. So I finished with 4.5” via 0.90” liquid. 5:1 ratio. lol
  6. Can’t believe schools are closing up here. Have a delay, clean it up, and save yourself a day in June.
  7. Pretty efficient. Almost a sleet ratio there with 0.10:0.04.
  8. Current sleet line along with the downslope screw pockets up by Alex.
  9. IJD with -ZR. Congrats Kevin. 30° at the STEM.
  10. 3.3”/0.42” before the changeover. As bad as ratios get.
  11. Pinging already. Toss the HRRR in the trash. It always plays catchup.
  12. We've had a few the past decade that began with a really cold start (near 0F) and that put the first 3-6hours straight in the DGZ since the "warm" tongue was relatively cold. Eventually we would end up pinging in the mid 10s anyway, but that's one way we squeezed out ratios from it. Of course the first few hours of 15-20:1 got a couple of inches of 9:1 sugar on top of it to pack it down in time for the 6hr measurement. By the time the sleet was done the initial fluff in the pack was a distant memory.
  13. Nice. A few small dendrites in there and plenty of needles. I see some regular plates and sectored plates too.
  14. 1. AWT 2. The NAM had been pretty spot on for 48hrs. I think it was well under .50” QPF as snow for most of SNE.
  15. The cold layer below the melting layer is cold enough to produce its own small snow crystals. The problem is, there isn’t enough lift in that level to really get any decent snow growth. So you end up with sleet and snow grains. A human observer would code it -PLSG. ASOS is automated so it usually just gets called -SN. I really only see -SG from MWN.
  16. It’s only 7pm...everyone will ping for awhile
  17. Pinging at BOS as of 6:20pm. DIT was a hair off.
  18. If you're warming, let's do it. Ride it, my Nammy
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