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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Snow/sleet mix at CON but melting on contact at 35°. Snowing at the house per Lisa and 27°.
  2. 12z GFS will promptly lose all snow for Monday after the Euro becomes a little more favorable.
  3. Yeah...sometimes when you shear these things out you get a lingering stretched fronto band.
  4. Euro is decent for next Thu, but yeah...d6.
  5. 3/18 81 in 2012 67 in 2011 64 in 1966+ 3/19 81 in 2012 72 in 1903 70 in 1894 3/20 81 in 2012 77 in 1903 70 in 2010+ 3/21 83 in 2012 79 in 1921 71 in 1913 3/22 84 in 2012 74 in 1946 72 in 1938 3/23 80 in 1938 73 in 1979 72 in 2012 March of yore.
  6. Heh...hit 76F at ORH in late March 89, but didn't hit 70F again until May 15.
  7. It's almost like BTV was inside the calm eye for a few years in between eyewall passages.
  8. The models are full of partial differential equations so even if the initial conditions were perfect, there's still going to be chaos that exponentially increases with time. Add in initial condition error, parameterization, relatively sparse data coverage, etc and I still find it amazing the models do as well as they do...even out to d5-d7.
  9. Wrong eventually once, but correct with the 100 faux NAOs before that time. This is one case where I think persistence works.
  10. It's a good thing we have the EPO or else it'd be getting really ugly. I'm selling a stable -NAO until we actually get it.
  11. I’ve hit 103-104+ quite a few times, but I avoid the doctor like the plague. I always enjoy when the fever breaks and I wake up drenched in sweat. Since I quit dairy I never get sinus infections anymore and it’s cut my frequency of getting sick way down. I used to get the flu once per year, but it’s been a few years now.
  12. Pretty sure there will be some kind of lemur torque out of Madagascar that will cause wave interference.
  13. He's been a little more sensitive lately. I think his meds may have his hormones off and he's turning a bit into a millennial?
  14. Did it weaken/dampen the shortwave or just flat out miss south but remain a decent event? I've been a little worried about that one flattening a bit as it reached our region, but I didn't really expect a whiff.
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