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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Was it direct warmth or a nucleation issue? Radar looked like crap down there when I went to bed. I mean, James is still snowing with the aid of better lift and maybe some salt nuclei.
  2. 0.20” in the can at CQX, but 32° now. Vis hit 3/4sm a couple times, but was mostly above 1sm. Maybe 2”?
  3. Just trying to get PF as much snow as I can.
  4. Nice little bump north on the NAM with the mid level goodies.
  5. Where are you getting the hundredths accuracy? Why 1.83” instead of 1.8”? Snow is officially measured in tenths.
  6. Yeah but the northern stream is slowly lifting out while the SE ridge goes bonkers. It's not like the typical PV squeeze play.
  7. James asks what everyone thinks and then gets pissed when he gets answers he doesn't like.
  8. Yeah...we'll see. Someone will probably pop off a fluffy 6" somewhere. I still think further north jacks because of ratios and some prolonged H7 light weenie snows whereas down by you may win the QPF battle. But dry layers, lift, thermals, etc are still getting ironed out.
  9. I think those would all be snow Bob. He's done by 15z Mon anyway.
  10. If I lived on Cape Cod I would expect rain even under a polar vortex.
  11. I thought the SREFs were good for trends?
  12. You'll be flirting with sleet, poor snow growth, and dry air in the DGZ. Not a lot of confidence in a watch yet.
  13. I'll take Mitch-Pit1-AFN for the jack.
  14. It may have a similar fate as this one...s/w kicks out of the SW and grts squeezed and stretched as the SE ridge goes bonkers and flexes back northwestward. It’s pretty early still, but the GFS has the mid level fronto a little more northward with that one. That SE ridge has meant business though...lots of potent s/w’s keep diving into that persistent west coast trough to recarve it out and the heights in the SE respond accordingly.
  15. It'll end up being a C/S NH/VT jack with the ML fronto. Hopefully it vaporizes quickly.
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