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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I can’t believe no one has come out with Cobb maps yet.
  2. I’m predicting no snow for Feb 29. 100% guarantee.
  3. Warm tongue comes in a little closer to H85 this time too so those 10:1 euro maps have more validity. Kinda wish the cold would overperform at this point and just dump 99% snow before the dryslot.
  4. GFS had been snowy here for the next two systems before 18z.
  5. Snowbanks are starting to get up there despite the meh events. Some of the pixie dust today. A mourning dove fart would clear my windshield.
  6. I’ll take the gfs...slam that 850 0C up to canada.
  7. The thought of more events with 2” of sugar and an inch of sleet on top makes me giddy like a school girl.
  8. I'll add that the last sample of fluff was 2.2"/0.08" so 27:1 on the ratio.
  9. Yeah seriously...lol. 850s above freezing with strong westerly flow.
  10. A thrilling 0.7"/0.05" so far. Starting to pick back up with the hangback midlevel RH/sfc trough.
  11. Looks like it’s going to ramp back up here soon. Pushing 1”.
  12. What happened to your other name? Wonder if you’re close to flipping. A lot of people mistake wet aggregates (from surface warming or aloft) as good dendritic growth when usually it’s a case of the flakes starting to melt at some level. CQX is up to 33°.
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