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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. May can’t get here soon enough. My nape needs the kiss of warm 10am sun.
  2. Hopefully the NAM is right and I smoke altostratus. I don’t need the 24hrs of GFS nickle and dime.
  3. Not sure how I'd handle 0.75" in 3hr.
  4. I’d take Reggie, but the herp is quite a bit south of it.
  5. People like to casually forget everytime the GFS has blown chunks on a system. And lol at can’t take it seriously. I mean, why even look at any models at all then?
  6. should I tell him I'm just kidding? lol I don't worry about stuff I have no control over anymore.
  7. Not sure if you're referring to me, but I will blow my top after shoveling 1-4" crapfests, twice a week, for 3 months, to only get grazed by this while SNE gets pounded on Saturday and Monday. Psychoanalyze that.
  8. We need a gif of PF running with the ball and then getting piled on by a handful of SNEers.
  9. You put your weenie in You put your weenie out You put your weenie in Then you shake it all about You open up Paint and you airbrush all around That's what it's all about
  10. Maybe it can go over Quebec City and push Monday down to RIC?
  11. I’m all in on this so it will probably graze me. I can feel the pressure of the melt building in me like the yellowstone caldera.
  12. Rewarded for decades of snowy winters?
  13. Maybe in theory, but not always the case.
  14. It also shows the cape rain.
  15. 3 closed isobars. Hold onto your hat.
  16. I mean in theory it makes sense, but it doesn't always work that way. There's different reasons why models bump QPF to the north sometimes. The shortwave could be trending north, the model could be handling mid level lift better, or the system could be trending stronger/more amplified. But yeah, late portion of the NAM always deserves the lol's.
  17. I don't think that's necessarily true. This run gets precip more north Saturday, but it looks a bit weaker compared to 6z and doesn't push the BZ as far south in its wake.
  18. I was just comparing the east coast heights/thicknesses around 66hr in the wake of Saturday. Not as much of a cold push behind it compared to 6z. But yeah...seeing the H5 maps for 78-84 now. Not euro amped, but it's probably a moot point discussing 84hr NAM synoptics.
  19. NAM looks like it'll be pretty amped for Monday. lalaland though
  20. 9.7°....still spitting light snow. 1.8” via 0.10” w.e....we fluff
  21. Some will win. Some will lose. Some were born to sing the blues.
  22. Oh man...lock in that euro run for Monday.
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