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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I’ve tried to enforce it before, but it’s a losing battle.
  2. Sign me up with that herpes run. I’d clean it up with the leaf blower.
  3. None of them are supposed to be. Maue has a strict warning on his site about it too.
  4. GFS was terrible for today....was giving me warning snows for days.
  5. It's not worse for anyone except those that are mixing.
  6. Just so I don’t feel left out... 20.5° overcast BINOVC N...lol Congrats to those getting snow though that want it.
  7. Need one more tick se to make the shoveling really easy.
  8. CC is collapsing SE near the Cape. Still some hope for James to flip to a pasting whenthe big UVVs move in.
  9. Still not snowing at ORH as of 5 past. But ceilings are lowering a couple hundred feet every 5 mins. 3400ft now so flakes should be reaching the surface soon.
  10. Ugh. Just noticed rain for Jimmy. I thought he’d be snow for awhile, but you always have to keep your guard up there.
  11. 6z GFS gives me 0.12” QPF from both systems combined. lawl
  12. Yes please. Save me the headache of cleanup and just rusty coat hanger this season.
  13. It's losing the Sat night -SN as well. If I read one more time about how many times the GFS has schooled the EC this year I'm going to gouge my eyes out.
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