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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. BOS 34° Watch them come in with like 4” of glop.
  2. CC has the mix line approaching roughly a PVD-PYM line.
  3. Yeah. That 850 fronto seems to be overwhelming everything else.
  4. Looks like about 3” here on the railings so far.
  5. ORH with 0.21” in the can past hour. 3-4”/hr?
  6. IJD slamming down almost 0.20”/hr in those insane returns.
  7. Saw that...maybe tippy on over to wxblue?
  8. Look at all of those 50kt flags hitting a brickwall over the south coast. Some of those points over the interior don’t even have a half barb on them.
  9. 3k NAM shows you how to do omega in the DGZ. Congrats Kevin.
  10. I'm j/k around. I was glad to help out and glad we have so many great people here that could contribute.
  11. Plenty of cold wetbulbs off the deck. There will be latent cooling for some like BDR where there's a little melting. 34/32 is nothing to worry about. It may be one of those 32.5F paste bombs for some.
  12. Help a guy get donations for his friends and then he takes a shot at my barred rocks.
  13. Sure. Most of the time we get +SN with average ratios. But when you said "sick sounding" I thought you were referring to a deep DGZ with big omega crosshaired through it.
  14. Damn boy. 4 months of hibernating and you wake up swinging.
  15. Best lift is below and above the DGZ there.
  16. Man that 850 fronto really goes insane after midnight. That inflow hits a complete brick wall in SNE. The NAM actually gets some good H7 fronto up here so we’ll see how that goes and if we can get a stray midlevel band up here. There’s some decent banding in NW PA right now. My concern is the convective look near the RA/SN line. That is a fast moving juicy bomb down there and I’m afraid it may rob some of the moisture to the north. Maybe a little screw zone between forcing areas?
  17. GFS with the slight SE tick.
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