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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. lol...BOX has had enough of this winter too.
  2. I can't wait for my first TCu in July. I'm going to take multiple pics of it before it dissipates at sunset.
  3. Petrified dog dookies thawing out and coming back to life
  4. Scoots It'll be warm either way with some semblance of dews, but the sped up fropa means more clouds and showers. If we get a period of sun in the afternoon though it could still torch 60-70F. Still on the warm side Saturday too as CAA is meh behind the front.
  5. Wouldn't shock me if Thursday ends up warmer than Friday. It should at least be the nicer afternoon with mucho sun.
  6. Man...this one cocorahs guy near me is always drunk... Town Snow Precip Depth Northfield 2.8E 5.4" 0.54" 24.5" Tilton-Northfield 3.3NE 3.5" 0.49" 18" Belmont 1.7SW 3.8" 0.47" 16.5" Sanbornton 2.3WNW 3.7" 0.54" 19" Northfield 1W (me) 3.7" 0.52" 19"
  7. Ended up with 3.7” via 0.52” liquid. Pack is up to 18”, but there’s a good amount of water in there.
  8. 30.7° with ZL continuing. Very icy.
  9. 3.7” snow/sleet 29.7° w/ steady FZDZ now. Mess
  10. 29.0° -SG 3.5” Pretty much snizzle under the beam with bursts of better growth in the showers that show up on rad.
  11. I just can't believe it was ever 1-2" up there. Heck I had 3-5" for here.
  12. I think NNE will be fine. There will be a dent, but nothing crazy unless there's a torching rainstorm.
  13. Well if you're moderate then the NAM is probably going to bust. Seems most of the better omega is all snow so everyone is on the snowy side of marginal for once.
  14. Edited my post. idk I thought it always had that initial burst of +SN if you count anything below +0.5C in the column as snow. Looks like it's pinging up to Tippy now, but it's tough to make out what's happening on CC. People in BOS are still saying it's snowing and DIT probably has some crappy grains under the inversion layer. Looks like about FIT to BVY right now though if you drew a straight line across with the lower correlations. Maybe NE MA is holding the cold a little better.
  15. +SN here. 27F Probably time to go out and measure
  16. NAM was a little too warm, but not that bad. edit...kinda hard to tell on dual pol where the mix line is. ORH has been pinging for awhile. Nammy had a 3ish hour period there where the warmth coming in was really marginally above 0C, but not warm enough for full-fledged sleet. I think we saw that with periods sleet early with bursts of snow with the better lift. Can't trust the ptype maps though when the max temp in the midlevels is only something like 0.3C for a few hours. Euro probably won this, but GFS is probably way too cold. Either way...it's a nice daytime snow.
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