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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Yeah...a little more south and we're closer to 07-08
  2. We really scratched and clawed our way to near normal this year. Lots of small, messy, PITA events. It made for good pack retention despite the occasional rain storm.
  3. My mom was crushed in Hooksett. Very forgettable at home.
  4. I'll take 26 years ago today. Hard to believe it's been that long.
  5. We like light dews. 60° at the peak of summer is nice. 65° here and there is okay, but the 70-75+ garbage can go to hell.
  6. Well we’re 9 days before the equinox so 9 days after in Sep would be 9/30ish.
  7. Nicer day today than yesterday up here. A few degrees cooler (37 vs 40) but full sun makes the difference.
  8. You've been angry this winter since I've lost interest in all snow, all the time. I'm sorry I've let you down.
  9. #aging I may have to change my name to dry adiabat or something.
  10. I think the pattern is getting to you.
  11. Yeah it’s March and we had maybe 6 posts this morning talking about warm weather happening this week. Oh the horror. If there was snow or cold to talk about we’d probably be discussing that.
  12. Inflated is March 2012. What should we talk about? D10?
  13. How is 10k in Cali looking?
  14. Heck 7C in May gets you over 70F
  15. I will take the over on low 50s for ASH Thursday. +7C with sun and S winds. I agree with Jon.
  16. If the flow of traffic is 80mph sometimes you have to just let it slide. 80mph at rush hour and I’ll pull you over.
  17. Offshore bomb still there on the Euro. Still a hint of it on the eps.
  18. Sucks for people who don't get up at 9am in the morning.
  19. Nice Mitch. If you're gonna go up you may as well go all the way like you did. 2200ft is a weenie place to live. Are you signed up for CWOP yet? It'd be cool to see your obs on the meso sites.
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