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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. And then you had 5/10/77 with a ton of snow with a July 31 sun angle.
  2. Looks like the mix line is pushing inland on CC.
  3. Can see some big, fat aggregates at home on the cam despite the low luminosity. Tickling down to 33.0F.
  4. Yeah I thought we had a game winning hail mary, but after further review there was 12 on the field and it got called back.
  5. I'm getting 7-10'd so not enough intensity to stick much despite 33F. Oh well...at least the drive in was easy.
  6. oh cool. I thought you were just looking at random places for no particular reason.
  7. Yeah...may be better up there. I see LEW at 34F. It's going to really have to pound to get decent accums during the day. I have 0.02" liquid so far and the GFS gives me 0.25" the rest of the way including the ULL. heh
  8. Had a few flakes mixing in at 645 when I left the house. There were hints of slush on the ground...33F there now. 150' up the hill was a steadier snow, but nothing sticking except on already frozen surfaces. It's all rain here in CON.
  9. 33.8° and just wet. It’s going to be difficult to accumulate during the day.
  10. I'm 36/32 right now. Not the preferred way to start a snowstorm. You have to get up around 1700ft to find 32-33F and snow north of Plymouth.
  11. That’s 10:1 using the ptype snow algorithm. So there’s going to be QPF wasted on some initial rain, catpaws, wet ground, slush etc.
  12. This. I mean the run isn’t even finished yet. lol
  13. Convection is really firing on the nose of that dryslot. Maybe a little TS later?
  14. Looks like rain changing to snow at the NH high elevation rwis sites. 38/28 here.
  15. Just saw the GFS...lol. Fronto band rotting over NH instead of PF.
  16. Will be epic out there where the ratios are > 10:1
  17. Think I’d take the Catskills to VT on that run...Berks do okay too.
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