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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 14.7" in Littleton. Not bad for that hell hole. Randolph 15.6"
  2. Meanwhile nada here. This storm was a net loss. lol
  3. I mean we could estimate. I’m not sure what the fall velocity would be for your snow. Maybe about 1 m/s for good sized dendrites? HFD is about 2700m below the beam. Factor in the avg wind from H6-H9 and we could see if the horizontal distance traveled matches your distance from HFD.
  4. I do think there was a lot of drift from that band. HFD is about 9kft below the lowest beam from BOX. There was big lift with this in the DGZ around H6. So with decent W flow there was plenty of time to drift it toward Kevin. Reminds me of all of those deform bands I had and where it wouldn’t start pounding until the band passed me to my north due to N flow and my distance from the GYX beam.
  5. 3k NAM has 0.01" the rest of the way for here. Only 0.28" of rain so far. Pretty epic fail job here.
  6. Have been getting some thin spots in the OVC. Up to 39F with -SHRA.
  7. I'm not sure. I know he had a major stroke and left the forums after that.
  8. That’s Will in Fort Kent. Tralce is his son. Real name Dan.
  9. idk...maybe you were joking or I misread your post.
  10. Frosted flakes falling from the sky. Maybe even some frosted mini wheats. http://1800cam.ddns.net:8155/stream.jpg
  11. Yeah Alex’s streaming cam is insane right now. Lol
  12. At my new high temp of the day. 36.6F and rising. 0.23" in the tipper so far.
  13. I forgot TT had the x-section option so I've been playing around with it this morning. Here's your TROWAL slope. A little lift here but way below the DGZ and probably even borderline for nucleation. Get that stronger lift higher up and approaching the DGZ and it's off to the races. That monster omega over Tolland is crosshaired and way up at H5-H6.
  14. Sitting under Chris's TROWAL he just posted about. 3/22 is a good time for a screwgie like this. No f's given. We'll probably slush puppy later when it all slides eastward.
  15. Snowing to the north, south, east, and west of here. May even be snowing at James' house.
  16. Looks like the modeled Tolland teabagging is panning out.
  17. Up to 35.1°. All light rain. Would be losing it in Nov-Feb but in late March...no worries.
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