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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Just peeked at radar and looks like the hint of maybe a little mesolow cutting through the CON area? Well into the 40s in S NH, but mid 30s up here.
  2. Nice deluge in CON right now. Today and tomorrow turned into complete shit.
  3. Looks like all snow above 1100' and all rain below 900'. Just nuisance snow in between.
  4. 6z gfs is 30s here now on Saturday. Time to lock that shitfest in.
  5. Saturday has looked a bit iffy for awhile now. A weak cold front comes through and sorta stalls over SNE. The boundary tries to lift back north ahead of the next wave going west of us, but with clouds and possible showers out ahead of it you know how this could end up. The GFS is still trying to push me up to near 60F, but the NAM is upper 30s. Usually the NAM wins these stubborn wedges that are reluctant to retreat.
  6. How deep is the pack on the north side of the largest oak tree in Livermore, NH?
  7. Doesn't look like anything this weekend, but lol at midweek.
  8. The tiger lilies on the west side of the house are starting to come up. Other than that notsomuch. Looks like there's some buds on the birches though. Up to 40F already.
  9. Maybe go out at 4:55am and warm up the car?
  10. Slowly turning Vermont into a lake one freshet at a time.
  11. Doing it again up there. 2° at 1st Lake and 28° up at Diamond Pond.
  12. Island Pond had -11F too. So those rad pits near the Canadian border were pretty damn cold.
  13. That's the COOP. Lake Francis was -12F. 2nd Lake -7F.
  14. Did Carol let you have a break from cleaning the pool?
  15. 56F range at First Lake now. -14F to 42F. Tough to dress for that.
  16. Speaking of owls... I just got a call from Lisa that the chooks were freaking out. Turns out there was an owl sitting on the fence of the run. Hawk netting ftw.
  17. February rain brings March showers which brings April drizzle.
  18. Another widespread 10-20% RH day. MHT sporting the 13% right now with 44/-3.
  19. Yup. Love it all. I get the grass fed liver and bones/knuckles for making my own soup bone broth too. It makes the store broths taste like water.
  20. Yeah I have trouble looking at the battery houses. I see a lot of people adopting those mistreated chickens overseas. They look like a mess when they take them in, but after a few months all of their feathers grow back and they're happy birds again. This is how Brookford Farm does it. Chicken tractors that they continually move around with electric fences. Yeah, the occasional bird gets picked off by hawks, but they have pretty good lives otherwise. Plenty of grass and movement. Here's a pic I took from there in 2015.
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