Still the western edge of a trough hanging on for dear life over us at d10, but my guess is it would end up much like the one last weekend...probably warm and relatively dry. Eventually one of these warm surges into the upper midwest will get advected our way before getting pinched off. As the arctic sea ice and permafrost continues to steadily recede it seems it gets more and more difficult to get enough amplitude to get mid summer legit cP airmasses in here. Once the meridional aspect shuts off it’s like we flip a switch into heat and dews as the subtropical highs bulge northward. Occasionally we sneak in some shallow cold fronts to take the edge off the heat or maybe provide a decent radiational cooling night or two, but we just don’t get those deeper H5-H10 shots like we did in the 60s through 80s once we get into the first week of July. I’m not sure we’ll ever see July 30s at CON ever again. Looks like 1979 was the last time it happened.