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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Here’s mine. I tend to run cooler on the north side of my hill and even cooler in the summer since I have trouble fully drying out we get a lot of evapotranspiration. I also don’t use the stock fan that runs on 3V...mine runs on 9V so I get better aspiration.
  2. Well you have home and official sites that get factored into the error analysis now. BOS obviously has a much different geography than sites even a bit inland. ASOS temps are near instantaneous too so they catch warm ‘bubbles’ during the day a little better, but of course the 5 minute averaging smooths that out too. Some of these home sites are sheltered in shade and more and more have fans to negate solar effects. The sensor housing leads to a brief lag on Davis stations as well...other stations tend to have even more of a lag. What does it all mean? No clue...lol. But I think ASOS siting isn’t always perfect. Many have lots of dirt and runway nearby. Some have rocks around the sensor suite and they’re all mounted in concrete. So it’s not like they’re measuring over Kevin’s lush lawn or my continuously soggy backyard. But there are a few ASOS sites that do seem to be consistently warmer for whatever reason.
  3. Sounds like FL to me. I haven’t touched that since October I think. 54° now. I can hear the snow melting.
  4. Suddenly 50° within 5 minutes. I can stop my bitching now.
  5. Could be a little swfe snow up here Friday.
  6. 36° I’m now the coldest spot south of grafton county.
  7. 6z NAM is eye candy for the interior. Thankfully it’s the NAM.
  8. CON 53 34 here So frustrating. Looks like the front is just south of Canterbury. Good news about the FV3 though. I had noticed the scores improved.
  9. Should come through here about an hour before the cold fropa. Yay.
  10. We got sun here, but the sfc front never made it through. 39F with a NNE wind now.
  11. Hopefully after these midlevel clouds move out we can have a chance as getting some breaks up here. We just got back from MHT where there were some peeks of sun and temps in the mid 50s. It went downhill quickly past CON.
  12. BDL is 69/41 with a S 20G30 wind. I'd say it's through there. Even the best you can do in NJ is low 70s with mid 40s dews. It's basically the same sfc airmass.
  13. 43.9F with spits of drizzle. All of you in SNE can blow me.
  14. You can see it retreating around the Pike on vis...not that it will do me any good.
  15. I'll take a pic of my setup tomorrow. I have no squirrel proof feeders, but haven't seen a squirrel on one since I put a certain type of baffle up a few years ago.
  16. We're making a late run. 45F there and 43F here. Models just struggle with CAD.
  17. I'd rather have -10C 850s with west flow and sun this time of year instead of this +5C fake news airmass.
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