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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Backdoors with precip generally verify colder than gfs progs. I wish we could just keep it BN and dry.
  2. It still tries to hit me up here with ZR to RA and the backdoor is stubborn down to the pike. Pike-south is warmer, but congrats on 50s and rain. It also tries to form a little mesolow over E MA. idk...if this was winter we'd be talking about locking in the cold for most of SNE with that.
  3. Going downhill here. 49°, overcast with sprinkles, and howling.
  4. I agree about '93. I almost feel like modeling may have handled it worse today than back then. It was almost a planetary scale storm that was well modeled even with the coarse resolution. Add in the high res and convective allowing models of today and there would've been some wacko solutions.
  5. Or maybe it shows the long range GFS on a TT map.
  6. Well he is all AWATT right now except he still has one toe hanging back in the cold room...just in case a biggie pops up.
  7. Well a piece of the SPV kinda backs in and drops in to phase with it. It's not really the same entity being closed off, opening, and closing back off. It's just a progression of a closed low with another eventually phasing in. Of course it'll change on the next run.
  8. 53° Should be down to mostly piles after today.
  9. I still refer to the old BOX climo for SNE. I put dryslot in there with ORH for climo on 6-12"+ storms. ORH averaged a 12" storm once every 2 years. Snowstorm Climatology Average number of snowstorms per season (1952-53 through 1991-92) Storm Size/1"-2.9" 3"-5.9" 6" plus Total Location Boston 6.08 2.85 1.40 10.33 Worcester 9.23 4.60 2.35 16.18 Providence 6.03 2.63 1.23 9.88 Hartford 6.90 3.40 1.60 11.90 Chance per year of at least 1 snowfall amounting to 12 inches or more: Based on data from 1953 to 1992. Boston 33% Worcester 55% Providence 20% Hartford 25%
  10. 12 inchers are not supposed to be common from dryslot to here. It’s been different times of late.
  11. GFS is losing Friday up here too.
  12. We white. Sorta. Maybe 0.2”.
  13. 32.6° -SN Looks like a slushy coating
  14. If I shit my pants for every TT snow map that verified since early March I'd never have to change my undies.
  15. OK then...so they very dark is the darkest you can get. I wasn't sure if there was a "new" grade B below the grade A very dark that tappers produce to sell to commercial companies. So when I buy the very dark I'm getting the same thing essentially?
  16. Tonight looks like nbd for us. Friday looks like a mess though.
  17. Nothing says exciting like 3 months of 75F dewpoints with no coldfronts.
  18. Look at all of that nighttime light pollution.
  19. Probably some extent of wintry weather up here...unfortunately. GFS still seems most aggressive so it’s probably wrong.
  20. That’s what I prefer too. I’m always looking for the very dark, strong graded syrup, but it’s hard to find. The more flavor the more I like it. If I could get some of the old version grade C syrup I’d use that.
  21. Sweet run. Give me dry if it can’t be warning criteria.
  22. Yeah I'm more worried about Friday here.
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