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Administrator / Meteorologist
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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. 30.9F Quite a change from yesterday.
  2. BDL 43F ORH 35F STEM 44F NAM ftw?
  3. the boyfriend comment is pushing the line for a female member making her first post. like will said, maybe the person is not here in good faith anyway. the PM to Gene is definitely a little weird too.
  4. The sister NAMs are plenty cold for snow.
  5. The post and registration resolves to Lynn, MA. Other associated mobile IPs resolve to Beverly. Nothing out of Maine.
  6. idk. I can look later. Not doing it on mobile.
  7. Hrmmm. I missed said posts too.
  8. 30.7° snow, sleet, and frz rain jennifer in maine is probably ready to go back to florida
  9. Cuz Kev's a back...door...mannnnn
  10. Spring has sprung.......a leak
  11. Pretty wintry north if here. http://vortex.plymouth.edu/webcam/
  12. Dumps on the truck when I left. Only about 1/4” though
  13. Dual pol says congrats Eek.
  14. 34.9°...moderate sleet and snow.
  15. Jesus it’s flipping to snow here. Huge aggregates mixing in. 35°
  16. Yeah...43° and +RA sounds awesome.
  17. Yeah that snow line is backing in from Lava to North Conway.
  18. Ugh. We pour. We flood. I wanna blow my brains out after looking at the NAM.
  19. 33° here this afternoon while SW CT is 73°?
  20. GFS has the wintry potential in the same timeframe too.
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