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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I have a few they can have if they want to rebuild.
  2. I know who it is, but let's talk weather.
  3. 68° dew in Marshfield while my temp is 40°. lol Kinda glad I’m BD’d after seeing all of that convection down there. I have no place to put all of that rain right now.
  4. I’m dumbfounded. I can’t believe he actually did it. It’s such a shame he messed up a huge chunk of the tail end of his career. Best ever.
  5. Well HFD is more south. I think the deeper you went into the interior the more you got away from any slight marine taint.
  6. 78F at BDL. What a pit. Only 74F at HFD.
  7. You have 24hr summary and cocorahs right there. If you want a running 24hr total try Mesowest. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/raws_ca_monitor.cgi?rawsflag=290&state=ME&type=&orderby=e&day1=13&month1=4&year1=2019&hour1=19&refrsh=0&timeobs=12&stnorder=0
  8. You've got a few options if you mouseover climate and past weather.
  9. I like my mulch with no dyes personally...considering another chip drop, but 10-20 yards may be a little much for me.
  10. Up to 72F. Just completely skipped over those useless 60s. Lots of standing water in the backyard as the permafrost melts and the ground sinks back down and displaces the water beneath it.
  11. Low 60s dews in S NH. Right into the swampass.
  12. Anyone ever garden with those large grow bags? I’m going to try a few this year for better aeration and root pruning.
  13. Still have patches of snow and standing water. Parts of the lawn subsurface are still frozen. Despite that there’s some green blades coming up along the west side of the house. Soil temp is up to 34° so the full thaw is on today with 70° later.
  14. Meh. Still haven’t gotten above 60° since early last October. Hopefully there’s no shenanigans today and we tickle 70°. 40.2° with an occasional droplet. MHT 58/57 and CON 45/43. So there’s your boundary. Of course Gunstock is 55 too.
  15. It kinda felt like summer driving through convective showers. People will be interested to know that my soil temp finally ticked up to 33° tonight. We thaw.
  16. Today always looked a bit iffy for clouds. Tomorrow should be nice...especially for those who clear behind the front.
  17. Well he knew the LC inch of ice from back in the eastern days.
  18. Their big snow events tend to be on the edges of winter...so Oct/Nov and Apr. But yeah, it may be records regardless considering the amounts some places received.
  19. 12z euro went wild. 00z euro wasn't too bad...1-1.5" over the next 10 days. A decent melt here and a decent melt there and they'll be fine. All at once and naso much.
  20. Euro is toasty. NAM is dammed.
  21. My soil temp is still 32° which is way late. I have green grass coming up along the west side of the house and buds are swelling on some of my trees. Other than that, not much is going on. My forsythia is budding too.
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