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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Warmest place in NH right now is HIE...and that includes meso sites.
  2. idk...it was probably snow number 1 for me and extreme temps after that. I was obsessed with numbers when I was youngerso that may have something to do with it. Wx observing and climo data I never had any extreme severe wx growing up so there wasn’t a lot for me to get excited about.
  3. You must just be too clever and witty for me.
  4. That can't be too rare for them can it? It's basically an elevated Valdez. Isn't that near Met Tech's old stomping grounds?
  5. Nothing says late August like a low near freezing and highs in the 40s.
  6. What a day. 60/13 at CON and not a remnant of a cloud in the sky all day.
  7. Would not want to be at Alex's this weekend.
  8. May be time to give Maue’s site a trial run?
  9. Think about the time spent having to clean it afterwards.
  10. Picnic tables and saunas washing ashore on Ryan's lawn.
  11. MEX is hitting back to back Q24 5's for a lot of spots this weekend. Muthafukkas
  12. How deep is your well? I don't use anything chemical, but I personally wouldn't take the chance. I'm not sure what studies show or what the recommended advice is. My well isn't that deep and I'm on a hillside so I'm a bit susceptible to what people up the hill on my side of the street do too. Given it's redneckville a few houses up I think most of the drainage down my hill has a bigger risk of contamination from rusted out garbage in the yard rather than lawn fertilizers. lol
  13. Mud season /= spring I just hate flooding and mud. I love all seasons otherwise.
  14. Grass is coming up here now. A couple of sunny, dry days will help get those roots sucking up any excess water not evaporated or run off. Mud season is the worst.
  15. I’m not telling you who it is. lol
  16. I wish the last of my snow and ice would set on fire.
  17. FROPA...should be pretty breezy tomorrow with good mixing.
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