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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Long, but good, read on the transgenic chestnuts. https://psmag.com/ideas/most-controversial-tree-in-the-world-gmo-genetic-engineering
  2. Well I think it’s too warm. MOS is all 90-92° in S NH. 850s are like 16-17C, but dews should be relatively low given the July heat. So maybe we pull off a +17C on that which gives us 33-34C at the surface....which would be in that 91-94° range.
  3. I must say, this upgraded euro is doing a better job of picking out the 2m torch spots from ASH up to CON. Usually models underestimate that. Maybe it’s overdoing the sfc temps like the GFS last year?
  4. Euro 2m is hittin 95° in the valleys tomorrow and a 98° bullseye Friday for MHT.
  5. Not exactly torchy for a d6-10 avg from the EPS...especially with much cooler anomalies to the NE. Any fart of a shortwave cutting through our region probably spawns 65F and rain here in CAD land.
  6. Good. We need to dry out. Keep the dews down and the skeeters away.
  7. Hot but typical heat. Should be dry tomorrow too.
  8. n/m...should've checked the AFD. .EQUIPMENT... The Concord, NH ASOS was affected by thunderstorms on Sunday. Unfortunately it may be a few more days before parts arrive to fix the system. During the outage, TAFs will continue to be issued for Concord without amendments scheduled. Climate data for Concord will also be affected, although backup sources may be used to fill in data after the fact. The outage is likely to continue until the end of the week.
  9. I wonder when GYX plans on fixing CON. More climo data down the porcelain goddess.
  10. Let's lock that euro run in. Warm, but nothing excessive.
  11. Dews arrive Fri/Sat. Then we dry it back down.
  12. I'd just be wary about introducing something not native that could damage more down the line than just EABs.
  13. They only have 17 max temps > 80F in their record going back to 1952. I hope they shock and awe with their first 90F.
  14. We do our steady positive departures now more because of torchy mins via higher dews/GHGs. We’re not popping many 100s...yet. If we can just keep the dews down this summer it should at least be nice in the rad sites at times. We used to average mid 50s mins up here for July, but that has been steadily climbing toward 60°. I’m sure the new norms in a couple years won’t be any better.
  15. Yeah that’s the camp I lean in. Slightly AN with lowest departures the further NE you go. But that’s been the trend for awhile now...there’s just a seasonal progression to it.
  16. Euro op looks pretty warm in the extended. I feel like the heat is more likely to verify. Thought DIT would’ve posted about it by now, but maybe he woke up puking on the ceilometer at FMH?
  17. And you’re one of those Massholes that flies by me on my way to work going 90-95mph.
  18. 59.4° here...had to turn the window fans off at midnight.
  19. Yeah I know what he meant. Just a little shot at JB there.
  20. And yeah...more hope against EAB? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-23216-6
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