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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Had some nice standing wave clouds earlier...even some embedded lenticulars. 35F for a low but up to 43F now with partial sun. Looks like a pretty crappy week.
  2. To the gypsy That remains Her face says hunger For a little leaf She has to feast On the Tolland oaksss And if there were other trees And the oaks were not enough Enough for her to eat She would eat them...allll
  3. What am I looking at here? Do you let gypsies lay eggs and hatch on your granite countertops?
  4. It's weird up here with the rapid warming of the soils. We actually have summer weeds coming up with the cold season grass and the maples are already starting to leaf out too. I can't really recall seeing my red maples leafing out with the forsythia blooming. his rain is hurting my american chestnut trees though. It'll be a miracle if they avoid the blight and/or don't rot out.
  5. I'll get the cold season plants out there soon like kale and cabbage, but my warm season stuff is staying under the grow lights awhile longer. Monday morning could be chilly if we rad a bit.
  6. lol...right? The forsythia just barely bloomed up here. Good luck with the marigolds.
  7. Is Mitch over to snow yet? I see he’s rapidly down to 34°.
  8. 1.87” in the tipper. Will have to check the stratus though since it rained so hard.
  9. Where are you from? The midwest? We say "wicked" here. About to pour here. Maybe I can get a long, rolling rumble with it.
  10. 43F and rain. Definitely summerlike. Shades of July 1816.
  11. You've been gone so maybe you missed it, but summer has already been declared here. I think a gypsy moth caterpillar in Tolland came out of it's pupa and saw its shadow.
  12. Hopefully the wedge verifies a little more south and convection can rob some of the mid level moisture from making it up here. I’d like to verify on the low end of these 1-2” model runs. We were just finally drying out.
  13. 58° but not a cloud in the sky. Borderline COC here. Maybe after another couple hours of heating.
  14. Weren't you "glad" to have 40s and drizzle yesterday?
  15. It's seemed like a decent stretch of April wx here after the first week. 3.10" so far MTD and a good chunk of that came with warmth and dews.
  16. I can't even fathom a July like this. http://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?hlyRange=2012-03-20|2019-04-23&dlyRange=2012-03-20|2019-04-23&mlyRange=|&StationID=50089&Prov=NL&urlExtension=_e.html&searchType=stnName&optLimit=yearRange&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2019&selRowPerPage=25&Line=7&searchMethod=contains&txtStationName=st+johns&timeframe=2&Day=1&Year=2015&Month=7#
  17. 1k in Tolland is a nice place to be to escape the extreme summer heat across most of CT. All of those 95F days at BDL while, sipping on Coronas at 1kft, in the NE hills it's only 89F.
  18. More power to you Nick. I couldn't deal with that this time of year. I mean a freak icing event would be cool, but it's like you guys are 30-45 days behind here. 40s and drizzle in June would make me grab the uzi.
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