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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. IJD 59° ENE 10mph OVC :weenie:
  2. So you think June is shot too?
  3. Say hi to the iguanas on boca grande.
  4. Same deal PWM https://www.weather.gov/media/gyx/climo/pwmnormals.pdf https://www.weather.gov/media/gyx/climo/Monthly-Seasonal-Annual_30_year_normals_1981-2010.pdf
  5. 61-90 https://www.weather.gov/media/gyx/climo/connormals.pdf 81-10 https://www.weather.gov/media/gyx/climo/CON_Monthly-Seasonal-Annual_30_year_normals_1981-2010.pdf
  6. No, but I assume they were manual gauges back in the 60s. It was just a different time back then. The early 60s were a legit drought. We all know how the 80s sucked. It's almost nbd now to pull off a 50" precip year up here now.
  7. CON's normal annual precip for 1961-1990 was only 36.37". 1981-2010 has gone up to 40.61". Since 2002, they've only had 1 year with less precipitation than that 36.37" total (2016).
  8. Looks more brown than green.
  9. Sometimes you need to look deeper and beyond the numbers.
  10. Models are pushing that sfc boundary westward through the day. Maybe some late morning highs followed by steady or slowly falling temps?
  11. We went into torch mode starting around this time. Lots of 70s and 80s and dry.
  12. Pretty easy up here. Suckotrophic vector in full effect.
  13. A nice April is more about rain/clouds vs sun rather than temps. 55/45 days with rain are warmer but trash. 60/35 with sun is cooler but nice. Also, the real warmth was confined to a handful of days with mostly torched mins. 80%+ of the days were hanging around either side of normal with lots of rain and clouds.
  14. That may be it. Looking it up now the leaves look similar to some trees I've seen over there on that side.
  15. Can @tamarackor anyone else ID this tree? I thought maybe hophornbeam, but those catkins (?) look pretty spiky.
  16. This is a really great debate. I'd put the average of my trees at 14.8% leaf out. That's 85.2% leaf in.
  17. Buds are opening on the trees here.
  18. Awesome. Then we can start the countdown to warm weather.
  19. Spring 06 was pretty bad up here. My entire road washed out before I moved here.
  20. SLK with 18F so he should at least match that.
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