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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. Hell of a boundary up in Coos this afternoon. HIE up to 73F while the Pittsburgh stations are U40s.
  2. Love it this time of year when it can keep warming between 4-5pm.
  3. 74/61 and sunny Bring on the storms We summer
  4. Sun is out blazing and the black flies do not give a damn. These seem like mutant flies that get hungrier with a little solar warmth.
  5. Goes both ways...aviation dave brought good luck with him in 07-08 and 08-09. Then he moved down to the DC area in 09-10 and we know what happened then.
  6. Lots of breaks now. Skyrockets in flight.
  7. Holy pollen. Sneeze city this morning. Must be the white pines?
  8. Could you imagine another 1954 between the severe and tropical seasons? edit...I meant 53-54.
  9. I already have very thin spots in the overcast where you can see blue sky. That NAM was tossed. 6z is warmer anyway.
  10. Bug net clothing had to come out today. It’s just a wall of black flies out there. M1/4SM +BF
  11. Sneaky nice afternoon. 68F for a high, some sun, and a touch of dews.
  12. Had the yellow female first which made me stare out the window for 20 mins waiting for a male.
  13. 65/55 and sun...glad we live here
  14. Getting warm and muggy here as we break into mostly sunny conditions. Black flies galore.
  15. They’re just plotting BOS where they measure the snowfall.
  16. Getting some breaks now. Hopefully this is the end of the shat weather until Novie.
  17. 4 more weeks and the sunrises start to get later.
  18. Just when you think we’re done with rain and 40s... we rain and 40s
  19. I wonder how much your odds of splitting it increase with the bigger jacks...lots more tix played.
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