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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. If you want to wait a year or two, SUNY ESF is waiting for government approval of their slightly gene edited american chestnut. I'm on the waiting list with them and I'm growing mother trees to pollinate with them. Only 2 of the 40,000 genes have been edited with these trees...1 gives the tree blight resistance and the other is a marker for the blight resistance gene. https://www.esf.edu/chestnut/ If they get government approval they will be available to the public and reintroduced into the forests to hopefully fill back in across the eastern US. Joining the NY chapter of the american chestnut foundation would probably get you some if/when they're available. I have a coupe of hickories that I planted out back, but those take awhile to grow and don't do well with transplanting since they have a monster tap root. I laso planted a yellow birch and a tulip poplar, but the tulip is another fast growing tree that drops a lot of branches over its lifetime. I got a lot of my native trees from here. They're about 3hrs form you, but they ship smaller trees. Maybe this list will give you some ideas. https://www.gonativetrees.com/PriceList.pdf This catalog from a place local to me has a bunch of different maple varieties with descriptions which may be of some help. http://www.brochunursery.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Brochu-Nursery-2019-Catalog.pdf
  2. MHT 86 ASH 86 CON 86 Casa 82.5
  3. 80.1° First 80s of the season.
  4. If you want a fast growing maple I think silver maples tend to grow like a weed.
  5. Rich Massholes coming up to the Lake to their lake homes.
  6. Gilford Lowes at it again this year with the $1500 ~100 gal japanese maples.
  7. Oaks are fine here. Big ol’ leaves.
  8. The honeylocusts and local huge catalpa downtown seems really slow to leaf out this year. It still looks like stick season on those trees although I did see some signs of buds breaking on them last night.
  9. Getting some sun now and it's helping to mix down some big gusts. 63F so it's getting a little COCish here too.
  10. Sucks today here too. Overcast with occasional spits of rain and 58F.
  11. Starting to look like big heat fail again. Tue may even be miserable. Looks brutally hot for the SE though. GWDLT.
  12. Jesus...even Fisher adopted the “we”.
  13. Bring in a foot of fertile soil and plant a garden.
  14. Nice weenie over the top shot of heat into James Bay on the always accurate 384hr GFS. +20C for the polar bears.
  15. There's no sudden jump indicated there, but something definitely changed over the course of a few months. Lop off that 2.5-3F change and they're right in line with everyone for April.
  16. April max departures BOS +3.9 PVD +1.2 BDL +0.6 PWM +0.2 ORH -0.2 CON -0.6 min departures BOS +3.3 BDL +2.5 PVD +1.9 CON +1.7 PWM +1.2 ORH +1.1 lol at BOS
  17. Sounds like an oxymoron for Spring weather.
  18. So he doesn't have BOS getting another 1" for the rest of the month?
  19. 92F at d7 on MEX for next Wed.
  20. Cloned with a stem cell from his weenie.
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