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Everything posted by dendrite

  1. I lived in Naples for a bit too.
  2. I don't think it can drop much more. We'll probably remain steady or tickle up overnight. With that said I'm down to my low of 42.7°.
  3. 0.90" and 42.9F Looks like northern Merrimack is getting the NH jack. This would've been a nice 8" of cement in winter.
  4. Although this may be worse...frozen at CON on 5/26. CON,1967-05-26 12:00,KCON 261200Z 01010KT 10SM -RA OVC/// 05/01 A//// RMK SLP119 P0005 T00500011 CON,1967-05-26 15:00,KCON 261500Z 01012KT 8SM -RA OVC/// 05/02 A//// RMK SLP126 P0005 T00500017 CON,1967-05-26 18:00,KCON 261800Z 35011KT 5SM -RAPL OVC/// 05/02 A//// RMK SLP132 P0005 T00500017 CON,1967-05-26 21:00,KCON 262100Z 36010KT 10SM -RA SCT/// OVC/// 06/03 A//// RMK SLP139 P0001 T00610028
  5. 0.82" +RA and 43F This has to be in the top 3 all time for worst afternoons for this time of year.
  6. Sheet rain right now. 43.2° +RA 0.78" and counting It didn't take long to resaturate the backyard to puddles.
  7. Nice brightbanding over central Maine. Probably some pingers in there. 43.6° RA 0.63"
  8. Yeah...looks like a lot of 24hr changes of 30°+ here too. Meanwhile...62/25 at CAR with those low dews feeding into this saturated airmass.
  9. If anyone wants a rare birch look for a betula uber (Virginia round leaf). That is probably the most endangered tree in the nation...it’s only native to Smyth county in VA.
  10. I would only because of my chickens...they struggled last July. They’re loving this weather...outside digging and looking for worms. As for me...give me 93/75 with a nice breeze and sun. Down to 43.4° now. Gene is down to 42°.
  11. 1.7" new snow on MWN in the past few hours.
  12. You would almost think they factored weather into this too. The Maritimes save us from damage once again.
  13. Did you pierce your lip and add black eyeliner yet?
  14. 46.4F and moderate rain. Nice summer afternoon.
  15. The NAM says most of us may not even get a taste of this warm sector. Maritime wedgie through Thursday, cold fropa Thu night, and then deep into the CAA by daytime Friday.
  16. Hot and dry finish to May for BOS.
  17. Yeah...gotta keep it away from the septic, well, foundation, etc. But I have one out back and wish I had another to suck up all of the excessive moisture I get out there. Those broken branches propagate easily too. I have a dozen of them in a bucket of water right now with roots shooting out of them.
  18. Man...you are really struggling this spring. I'm getting a little concerned about you...borderline meltish if this holds through all of June.
  19. It always hurts when trolling backfires. The best defense mechanism is to spend time Googling new avatar ideas.
  20. Really poor taste in humor. I bet you're a stable genius though.
  21. Good to know...thanks for that. I'd been afraid to plant it too close to my run for fear of that.
  22. Kinda funny how badly Wednesday failed. 95° in SNE a few days ago and now it’s doored practically down to BWI. Can’t wait for my 40s tomorrow.
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